Red beans mixed with cauliflower can fight cancer

Cauliflower mostly refers to cabbage flowers, and broccoli refers to green cauliflower. The study found that eating cauliflower has the effect of cooling throat, opening sound, and lungs. Therefore, it was called "a heaven-sent good medicine" and "a poor doctor." Long-term consumption can reduce the incidence of breast cancer, rectal cancer, and gastric cancer.

Cauliflower is one of the foods containing the most flavonoids. In addition to preventing infections, flavonoids are also the best blood vessel scavenger that can prevent cholesterol oxidation and prevent platelets from clotting.

And reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Cooking tips: The cauliflower is very soft, to master the cooking time, the cooking stick cuts into the round slice or the cut piece cooking will make it familiar.


(1) 10 grams of onion peeled, washed, diced, 40 grams of red bean soaked in water;

(2) 250 grams of broccoli cut into small flowers, put it into boiling water until cooked, picked up, red beans cooked in reserve;

(3) 3 grams of olive oil and a little lemon juice to make sauce;

(4) Drain the onion into the pot, add broccoli, red beans, sauce and mix well.


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