How to fry the food? How to stew soup? Academician is very accurate digital cuisine

How to fry the dish? How to stew soup? How to match dishes before healthy nutrition? The questions discussed and discussed by these ordinary housewives were answered yesterday by the Chinese Academy of Engineering Academician Qian Xuhong.

Academician Qian Xuhong said yesterday that in today's prevailing health culture, the combination of nutrition, energy, and food is a diverse topic. It can use scientific attitudes to tell the public “how much to eat is appropriate and what to eat is healthy”. The key to the “quantity” and “cooperation” of the church people's diet.

Healthy cooking tips


Vegetables that can be eaten raw and washed include carrots, white radishes, tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, and Chinese cabbages.

The vegetables that you ate again include broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, bamboo shoots, white rice, and purslane.

Before lettuce, oysters, etc. are eaten raw, it is best to peel, wash and blanch with boiling water.

Not all vegetables can be cold, vegetables containing starch, such as potatoes, taro, yams, etc. must be cooked, otherwise the starch grains do not break, the body can not digest and absorb.

Lentils contain a lot of saponins and hemagglutinin, which can cause poisoning if not cooked thoroughly.

Fresh fungus and fresh day lily contain toxins inedible.


Before cooking, vegetables should not be “cut first and then washed” because this method accelerates the oxidation of vitamin C and the loss of soluble substances, and reduces the nutritional value of vegetables.

Hot pot cold oil is the best method of cooking, the oil surface should be just rippled, the oil temperature below 200 degrees Celsius, into the green onion will not be fried paste.

Salt and monosodium glutamate should be re-released when the pan is removed, because iodine and MSG in salt will decompose when exposed to heat.

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