Egg breeder breeds reasonable conditioning lighting

Reasonable use of light can make chicken farmers obtain the maximum economic benefit. Chicken farmers should adjust the use of chicken light as feed and drinking water, such as the rational use of artificial light or artificial shading, change the light intensity, change the light time and Change lighting color, etc., effectively control the growth and development of chickens, production breaks, moulting, and nesting, regulate sexual maturation of chickens, prevent and reduce the occurrence of chicken pecking phenomenon, and improve chicken production performance and raising chicken economy benefit.

The chicken's vision is more sensitive. It can be seen that the light between 400 and 770 nanometers in wavelength is consistent with visible light (red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, and violet) wavelengths from 400 to 760 nanometers. Degree also has a sense of color, especially in the red, orange, yellow light, the visual is better, according to experiments show that the use of different light color can change the chicken's intake, growth performance, bucket and sexual function. Red light can delay the sexual maturity of chickens, make the chickens quiet, reduce the number of food and eggs, but increase the egg production, but the fertility rate decreases; yellow light can reduce the chicken's feed remuneration, delayed sexual maturity, increased egg weight, production Reduce the amount of eggs, eating crickets increased; green light can increase the rate of increase in chicken weight, accelerate sexual maturity, improve cock fertility; blue light can promote chicken sexual maturity, increase weight gain, enhance cock breeding power, The restaurant dropped. Illumination time and light intensity also have different effects on chickens. Long-term light can promote sexual maturity and prevent chickens from moulting. For example, appropriate winter light increase in light can increase chicken egg production. Short-term, low-intensity lighting In the fattening period of the chicken is beneficial to the accumulation of fat in the body, which is beneficial to the fattening of the chicken. Therefore, proper lighting has an important influence on the life activities of chickens, material metabolism and production performance. Therefore, chicken farmers should reasonably adjust the use of light according to the chickens fed at different production stages, and keep the light time and light. The relative stability of strength, in order to maximize the performance of chicken production, improve the economic efficiency of chicken.

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