Cultivation Techniques of Big Ear Corn

I. Characteristics of big ear type corn varieties

(1) Advantages: 1 good plant type, mostly semi-compact type, high utilization rate of light energy, strong growth potential; 2 well-developed root system, lower ear position, strong resistance to fall; 3 deep mouth, small cob, out Seed rate is high; 4 panicles are large, large and large, and the potential for yield increase is large; 5 suitable for sparse planting, even in the case of planting more than 2,000 plants, it can still obtain a high yield of more than jin.

(2) Disadvantages: 1 shade, poor waterlogging resistance, weak disease resistance, some varieties susceptible to leaf spot, sheath blight, rust; some varieties of late bacterial wilt seriously; 2 plant leaves compact and bright green Easy to induce corn borer and aphid damage; 3 part of the northern varieties, flowering high temperature drought, affecting the seed setting rate. 4 The large amount of fertilizer needed is sensitive to zinc fertilizer; 5 If the rain is ripe, it will easily produce ear rot. After harvest, the ear dehydration is slow, the weather is not good, and the grain is easily rot or germinate.

Second, cultivation points

1. Select fertility better, ventilate sunny fields with drought and drought.

2, timely sowing, reasonable dense planting: general low seedling transplanting should be planted in mid-March (live broadcast can be delayed about 10 days), two mountains should be sown in late March or early April. The planting density should not be too large. Normally, it covers 2500-3000 plants/mu, and monocropping plants should not exceed 3500 plants/mu.

3. Scientific fertilization: Apply enough base fertilizer, increase zinc fertilizer, early recovery of seedling fertilizer, and recovery of panicle fertilizer. Base fertilizer should be applied as much as possible farm manure, and pay attention to the balanced application of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, with particular emphasis on the base fertilizer, mushi fertilizer 1.5-2 kg and potassium 5 kg. 10 days after planting, Miaofei should be topped, until Xiaotiaokou period (usually about 15 days before heading), we must rush to harvest panicle fertilizer (Mushi urea 20-30 kg/mu). Apply fertilizer 2.5-5 kg/mu.

4, pay attention to pest control: In the seedbed stage and early field, we must pay attention to control of tigers, cockroaches and root-feeding beetles in the bell stage to focus on prevention of corn borer and sheath blight, but also in the flowering period control aphids and rust damage. For example, the varieties with heavier bacterial wilt should not be replanted in the future.

5, timely harvest, airing, storage: especially large spikes and large grain of the dentate varieties, until the field ear and pod leaves 70% turn yellow, it is timely harvest, drying, or in the field after the overcast and easy to produce rainy ears Corrosion, germination, and insect pests cause high yields. In addition, corn seeds must be fully dried before they can be stored for a long time or sunny during the storage period.

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