Vegetable Pests Control Measures During Three Summers

During the summer of the three summers, the pests and diseases of vegetables in the city mainly include: Pieris rapae, Plutella xylostella, Brassica juncea, Liriomyza sativae, and Solanaceae bollworm. This period is a mixed period of various pests and diseases. Therefore, the prevention and control of pests and diseases in this period is an important measure to improve the quality of pollution-free vegetables. Based on field investigations and combined with weather forecast, the pollution-free control of vegetable diseases and insect pests during the summer season is proposed. The measures are as follows:

1. Pieris rapae and Plutella xylostella: Mainly affect the cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage, cauliflower and rapeseed. This year, it occurred moderately, with an area of ​​20,000 mu. Control methods: spray with 2.5% vegetable or 2.5% cyfluthrin 2000 times.

Second, vegetable soup: The main harm cruciferous vegetables. Vegetable juice sucking juice causes the vegetable leaves to curl and deform, secrete honeydew to contaminate vegetables, and spread a variety of viral diseases. The harm caused to the crop is far greater than the harm itself. This year is a lighter occurrence with an area of ​​50,000 mu. Control methods: 5% pyrethrin 1000 times or 10% imidacloprid 3000 times spray.

III. Liriomyza sativae: At present, Liriomyza sativae has been protected and turned into an open hazard. In tomato, cucumber, cowpea, and celery, the occurrence of this year is mild, with an area of ​​80,000 mu. Control methods: 1.8% Abamectin 2000-3000 times or 75% Chloromicin 4000-5000 times spray.

Fourth, eggplant cotton bollworm: pepper, eggplant, tomato, okra and other vegetables, mainly for the prevention and control of the appropriate period of time to endanger the generation of hatching eggs to the second and third instalment of this period of time. This year is a small occurrence, with an area of ​​40,000 mu. Control methods: 15% 4000 times the number of hits or 10% divided by 2000 times spray control.


Something that reduces fever or quells it.

There are 3 classes of antipyretic medications that are sold OTC (over-the-counter) without prescription:

Salicylates -- aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid), choline salicylate (Arthropan), magnesium salicylate (Arthriten), and sodium salicylate (Scot-Tussin Original);

Acetaminophen (Tylenol); and

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) -- ibuprofen (Advil), naproxen (Naprosyn, Aleve), and ketoprofen.

From anti-, against + the Greek pyretos, fever from pyr, fire. The same root gives rise to pyrexia, a medical term for fever.

Antipyretic, from the Greek anti, against, and pyreticus, pertaining to fever, are substances that reduce fever. Antipyretics cause the hypothalamus to override a prostaglandin-induced increase in temperature. The body then works to lower the temperature, resulting in a reduction in fever.

Most antipyretic medications have other purposes. The most common antipyretics in the United States are ibuprofen and aspirin, which are used primarily as pain relievers. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, and pain relievers.


Painkiller is any member of the group of drugs used to achieve analgesia, relief from pain.

Analgesic drugs act in various ways on the peripheral and central nervous systems. They are distinct from anesthetics, which reversibly eliminate sensation. Analgesics include paracetamol (known in North America as acetaminophen or simply APAP), the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as the salicylates, and opioid drugs such as morphine and oxycodone.

In choosing analgesics, the severity and response to other medication determines the choice of agent; the World Health Organization (WHO) pain ladder specifies mild analgesics as its first step.

Analgesic choice is also determined by the type of pain: For neuropathic pain, traditional analgesics are less effective, and there is often benefit from classes of drugs that are not normally considered analgesics, such as tricyclic antidepressants and anticonvulsants.

*Related Products:antipyretic drugs,pain-killer drugs.

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