Autumn sweet potato production increase and efficiency comprehensive cultivation technology

Sweet potato is rich in starch, carotene, vitamin C and other vitamins and trace elements, etc. It is a nutritious and balanced health food and is deeply loved by the general public. In recent years, with the adjustment of crop planting structure and the pulling of market prices, the planting area of ​​sweet potato in our city has reached over 200,000 mu. In order to increase the output of sweet potato and improve the quality of sweet potato, thereby increasing production efficiency and farmers' income, the comprehensive cultivation techniques for autumn sweet potato are introduced as follows for reference.
I. Selection of good varieties Suitable varieties for cultivation in Huizhou are: Guangxunshu 1, Guangshu 87, Guangshu 155, Guangshu 79, Xinpu Purple Sweet Potato, Zhanshu 96-24, Zhanshu 01-2 and so on. Selection of moderate size should be selected (single potato weight of 200 to 300 grams is appropriate), the potato surface is smooth, no pests, no wounds, no chilling potato chips for the species, and nurturing strong seedlings.
Second, since the plot soil preparation, selection Shizujifei loose soil, deep soil, strong aeration, drainage and irrigation preferably sandy loam easily, which facilitates the sweet potato root enlargement. Starting from the site preparation, it is required that the sulcus is narrow and deep, and the east-west direction of the sampan is better, and each sag is about 1 meter high and the squat is 0.4 meters high. When squatting, apply enough base fertilizer to apply 1500 kg of fertilized farmyard fertilizer (preferably peanut seedlings) in the middle of mu, add 15 kg of calcium phosphate, 10 kg of compound fertilizer, and 7 to 10 kg of potash fertilizer. If the underground pests are more serious, the mu will be applied with 15% of Le Sibu granules 1.0 kg of sand mixed with 15-20 kg of sand or evenly mixed fertilizer.
Third, timely planting seedlings, reasonable close planting
1. Cultivate strong seedlings: Cultivating strong seedlings is one of the key technologies for sweet potato to obtain high yields. When the length of the seedlings grown from the potato seedlings reached 25-30 cm, the seedlings were planted and the seedlings were planted. When the number of false seedlings reached 6-10 nodes, topping was promoted. In the 5 to 8 days before the insertion of seedlings to promote strong seedlings, can be applied thin urea.
2, timely planting seedlings: cut seedlings should be selected when the seedlings face, the best time to cut the seedlings in the afternoon on sunny days, when the seedlings more nutrients, less water. When planting seedlings, the first and second section of potato seedlings with short and strong seedlings of about 20 cm in length are selected for planting, and they are planted obliquely in the soil, and it is better to plant the seedlings in the afternoon or evening. Generally 3000 ~ 3500 acres planting more appropriate.
4. Field management Sweet potato is the root crop of dry land, which requires large amounts of fertilizer. It requires the most potash fertilizer, followed by nitrogen fertilizer. At the same time, it avoids soil waterlogging in the whole growing season. Therefore, management based on the growth characteristics of sweet potato can maintain the balanced growth of the upper and lower parts of the sweet potato and obtain high yields.
1. Hairy rooting period to branching potato period: This stage is the stage of returning green shoots of sweet potato, which requires less water and consumes less nutrients. The focus is on checking seedlings to make up for lack of preservation and seedlings. Generally, seedlings are planted and replanted within 5 days after planting, and the soil is kept moist to increase the survival rate of potato seedlings. After 15 to 20 days after plugging, Miao Fei is applied in a timely manner. Mushi urea is 8-10 kg for water and fertilizer application.
2. Branching and potato stage to stem and leaf long-term: This period is the period of branching long seedlings, root growth and tuberization, with the focus on controlling ramification and promoting branching, when the yam grows to 12 nodes, it is topping. To promote lateral branching. About 40 days after planting, the combination of cultivated soil and manure 750 kg of mixed manure ash 60 kilograms of urea or 3 kg of urea and 6 kg of potash fertilizer was used. At this time, the amount of water required was small, and the soil was kept moist in the field. After stems and leaves are sealed, if there is high humidity in the field, adventitious roots often occur in stem sections. Therefore, it is necessary to properly raise the vine at this time, but do not turn it over. In addition, after the stems and leaves are sealed, the maximum amount of water is required. At this time, when the drought occurs, “running horse water” should be poured. About 60 days after planting, combine cultivator loose soil and soil, reapply potash fertilizer and nitrogen fertilizer, Mushi potassium sulfate 30 kg, urea 10 kg or peanut bran 20 kg.
3, stems and leaves grow to the expansion of potato wedges: This period is an important period for the expansion of tubers, nutrients accumulated to the roots, the focus is to maintain the balanced growth of the upper and lower parts of the sweet potato, to prevent excessive water growth Overwhelmed. Therefore, we must pay attention to flooding water, dry irrigation horse water.
4. During the expansion of the potato block to pre-harvest: This period is mainly an important period for starch accumulation in the root tuber. About 90 days after planting, if the growth rate of the shoot is weak and the leaf color is yellow, it can be sprayed or sprayed with 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate and 0.5% urea for 2 to 3 times to prevent premature aging. Promote production increase. 20 to 30 days before harvest, generally no irrigation, in order to facilitate the harvest and storage of sweet potatoes.
V. Pest Control
1, yam disease: pay attention to the prevention and control of sweet potato small weevil and stem borer and other pests, reduce insect-borne disease; timely removal of the central disease in the initial strain, brought out of the field burned, and the disease applies lime; disease control can be used permanganate Potassium 600 times liquid, 30% copper oxychloride 800 times liquid or 77% can kill 600-800 times.
2. Melasma: First, the seed potato is treated with 50% carbendazim wettable powder 500 times liquid soaking seeds for 3 to 5 minutes and then drying; second is soaking seedling disinfection with 50% thiophanate-methyl wettable powder 500 to 700 times liquid or 50% carbendazim 2500 to 3000 times liquid, root depth 6 to 10 cm 2 to 3 minutes.
3, vine disease: First, the selection of disease-resistant varieties; Second, soaking warm soup, cultivating disease-free strong seedlings; third is to use 50% thiophanate-methyl WP wet extract 700 times.
4, wheat moth: also known as sweet potato leaf leaf insect. When the field first saw larvae curling, it was necessary to timely kill the larvae in the new leaf or to remove the new leaf. Should be mastered in the early stages of larval emergence, the best time in the afternoon 4-5. The spray control can be performed by using 48% of Leosmian Emulsion 1000-1500 times or 10% to remove 2000 times of the suspension agent and 52.25% of farmland emulsifiable concentrate 1500 times.