Knowledge of Ginkgo biloba moths to treat walnut caterpillars

The larvae of Ginkgo biloba larvae are the leaf-feeding pests that seriously harm the leaves of walnuts. Because of their large individual size, they are densely covered with dark, dense, light-colored poisonous hairs, also known as large white caterpillars.
Ginkgo biloba cocoon mainly harms walnuts, willows, and lacquer trees. It also occurs in eucommia, chestnut, and ginkgo. When it breaks out on a walnut tree, it can eat all the functional leaves of the whole tree. When the food is not enough, it also damages the plant. Most of the leaves of the walnut trees that were damaged by the larvae of Ginkgo biloba larvae were eaten. The severe tree leaves only the veins and young fruits of the full trees, causing the dead trunk of the old walnuts to die. The result is a severe fruit drop and harvest. It is a kind of walnut tree. A pest that has the greatest impact on tree vigor and yield.
Ginkgo larvae have only one generation in one year. The eggs overwinter over the cracks in the trunk and bark of the walnut trees. The egg masses are mainly distributed in stems and branches at 1-3 meters of the trunk. Eggs are distributed in dozens of grains and hundreds of grains are concentrated. Together. From the end of April to the beginning of May in the second year, the eggs began to hatch after the walnut leaves grew. After hatching, the larvae migrated from the trunk to the inner and lower canopy of the crown. The leaves on the back of the larvae clustered and damaged the leaves. As the larval age grew, the larvae gradually dispersed and dispersed the upper leaves and the surrounding leaves to feed on the leaves. From late May to early June, the larvae enter the fifth instar gluttony, and one larvae can eat 6-10 leaves in one day. After the leaves of the whole tree are eaten, the larvae start to transfer from the tree to the second food source. In early June, the larvae that have reached the age of development stage begin to decorate the weeds in the shrubs under the trees, and a few of the larvae decorate the residual leaves on the trees. From October to October, adults emerged spawning and spawning eggs were accumulated in the blocks of walnuts and bark cracks.
The most economical and effective method for preventing and controlling ginkgo large silkworm moths is to scrape off the egg mass and eliminate the larvae at the age of 1-2 years. In the prevention and control strategy, large silkworm moths are eliminated in the egg stage and 1-2 instar larvae stage, and effective integrated agricultural control measures are actively adopted to protect the
Natural control rate of natural enemies. Prevention and control of walnut white caterpillar is "scraping eggs, picking maggots, killing larvae," the nine prevention and control method: 1, scraping eggs. Manually scraping off the egg masses on the trunk is the simplest and most economical method for controlling insects. In the winter and spring seasons, the old skin and wavy skin of the walnut tree can be scraped together with fruit tree pruning and orchard management, and the attached egg pieces can be removed and white coating agent can be applied. 2, picking picks. From June to July, the ginkgo larvae of the ginkgo moth larvae can be pupaed and pupaed. At this time, the ginkgo silkworm moths and leafhoppers can be manually picked up on the shrubs around the walnut trees and then destroyed. 3, kill larvae. In late April, in early May, the 1-2 age instar larvae of Ginkgo biloba L. larvae were endangered. In this case, spraying chemical insecticides was the fastest and most effective. The most commonly used effective drug was 90% trichlorfon 1000 times. , 50% phoxim 1000 times, 10% Uranus 6000 times, 20% speed kill 3,000 times and so on.

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