Application of Enzyme Preparation in Meat Processing

In the past 20 years, various enzyme preparations have been used in meat processing. The common features of enzyme preparations for meat processing applications are: strong professionalism, which can be carried out under mild conditions; low cost and energy consumption in processing; significant changes in meat properties, improved meat quality; high production efficiency; enzyme-processed There is no residue of harmful ingredients in the meat. The usage of nine enzyme preparations for meat processing is introduced for reference.

First, transglutaminase

At present, Europe and the United States produce more, Asia has Japan's Ajinomoto Co., Ltd., China's Jiangsu and other places also have production. Transglutaminase can utilize the -formamide group of the glutamine residue on the peptide chain of the meat protein as the donor, and the -amino group of the lysine residue as the acceptor, catalyzing the transamination reaction, thereby making the protein Cross-linking occurs intramolecularly or between molecules. According to reports of the valley; the enzyme of the enzyme casein and chicken globulin catalyzes the formation of a high degree of cross-linking between soy protein, corn gluten and myosin. The use of transglutaminase and casein sodium to reconstruct veal (reconstructing muscle tissue with minced beef pieces) through enzymatic reactions yields good results.

The use of transglutaminase alone to increase the binding force between the crumbs is limited and must be significantly effected when sodium caseinate is added. The amount of transglutaminase 0.05% and casein sodium 1% is more appropriate, and the binding force between the minced meat pieces is more than 100 g/cm2. In this way, the minced meat pieces can be used as a whole meat piece. Features. The above method of enzymatically reconstituting ground beef into pieces of meat can increase the utilization rate of raw materials in a meat processing plant, increase product yield, and increase economic efficiency.

Second, the use of protease as a tenderizer in meat processing

Protease as a food industry additive can be used to improve the quality of food. The protease is formulated as a tenderizer to effectively promote the tenderization of meat during processing. The meat obtained from the slaughter of old animals will become rough and hard after cooking, which will result in such raw meat being difficult to process, with poor taste and reduced quality. In the eighties and nineties, it was used for meat tenderization. The main components were proteases and salt. The most used and most stable protease is papain. In the 1980s and 1990s, a large amount of systematic research was conducted on the relationship between the action of papain and the efficacy of tenderizers. Food scientists used a large number of meat sensory notes. Evaluation of the physical properties of meat (such as tenderness, shearing force, etc.) has fully affirmed the tenderizing effect of meat tenderizers based on papain. The research work also proved that proteases suitable for the preparation of meat tenderizers must have relatively high heat resistance (heat stability), which is due to the full function of the tenderizers during the cooking of the meats. The gradual increase in temperature plays a role in the stage when papain has not lost its activity. Obviously, cooking at too high a temperature will cause the denaturation of collagen proteins and elastin in the connective tissue of meat, and papain can rapidly increase the solubility of collagen protein at 60°C to 75°C.

Third, livestock and poultry papain pre-maturation and taste-enhanced injection method

In order to increase the tenderness of meat, foreign countries adopt the injection of papain or bromelain intravenously into meat animals, or post-mortem injection of butter, vegetable oil, phosphate, and salt, which can significantly improve the tenderness of livestock meat. This method began to be used more frequently in beef tenderization and soon became widely used in pigs and poultry. In the late 1980s, papaya enzyme was used as the main ingredient to change the taste and taste of meat, and beef, pork, and poultry meat treated with papaya enzyme could become fresh and delicious.

Papaya enzyme is a natural protease extracted from papaya. 20 minutes to 30 minutes before slaughter of livestock and poultry, it is injected from the jugular vein and evenly distributed to various parts of the body through the period of blood circulation to gradually destroy the collagenous fibers of the muscle tissue and increase the tenderness of the meat. Intramuscular injection with papain can also achieve the same goal. Slaughtered meat and poultry stocks are separated and papain is at rest in the meat. When cooking and heating are performed later, when the temperature reaches a proper temperature of the enzymatic reaction, the enzyme is activated to increase the tenderness of the meat.

IV. Application of porcine pancreatin on the tenderization of chicken legs and application of improved crushed meat utilization

Method for extracting crude pancreatin by using pig's pancreas: Take fresh porcine pancreas, remove fat, homogenize, mix according to pancreas: ethanol:water at a ratio of 1:1:3, and put it at 4°C for 3 days. , do not stir a few times, to gauze filter, pancreatic enzyme obtained crude extract, adding an appropriate amount of hydrochloric acid for zymogen activation, and the use of Folin-reagent to determine the crude protein content of the extract is about 11.8mg/ml, The protease activity was measured to be 13.01 (unit: 1 mg protein), and then stored in a refrigerator for later use. Studies have shown that crude pancreatin can significantly increase the hydrolysis rate of meat, decompose myofibrils, destroy the Z- and H-bands of muscle fibers, and soften the meat.

When the meat is tenderized with trypsin, the crude trypsin extract can enter the muscles with the solution, and the protease (including collagenase) in the tissue can decompose the collagen fibers of the intermuscular connective tissue and destroy the connective tissues. The meat is softened; at the same time, the protease in the enzyme solution can also act on the muscle fibers, lyse part of the muscle cell combination protein, release multiple births, amino acids, etc., can increase the umami taste of the meat, it breaks down and destroys the Z line, causes changes in the H band, and promotes meat Soften the product. Enzymatic hydrolysis makes 17 of the water in the meat amino acids and water-soluble calcium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, iron greatly increased, will inevitably significantly improve the meat flavor and nutrition. Enzyme-treated meat can still maintain a first-degree freshness, normalize pH value and sensory index, and comprehensively improve the utilization value of meat products.

V. Neutral protease to recover residual meat from bone

In the slaughterhouse segmentation workshop, an average of 5% of lean meat remains on the bone. Usually this part of the meat is not easily recyclable. In the European and American meat industry enterprises, enzymatic recovery of lean meat remains on bones. The specific method is as follows: The bones are crushed, made into pulp with 100% water (amine weight ratio), heated in a heating tank with a stirrer, and the bottom is equipped with a slurry. Add neutral protease 0.5 liters (by 0.3% of bone weight), then heat the bone slurry and maintain at 60°C for 3 hours to 4 hours. Stir carefully, taking care not to form a fat emulsion.

Another method is to keep the comminuted bone at 95°C to 100°C, hold it for 5 minutes without adding enzymes, and then cool to 60°C for 30 minutes. This is due to the preheated denaturation, which shortens the hydrolysis time. . The hydrolysis of neutral proteases hydrolyzes the bones on the bones and separates them from the bones to form a pulp slurry. Due to the difference in specific gravity, the pulp slurry easily leaches out of the bottom of the tank, while most of the fat adheres to the bones and cans. On the wall, the two are easily separated. In order to stop the action of the protease, the temperature of the liquid in the tank can be heated to 98° C. for 15 seconds to passivate the protease. The meat pulp separated from the bone by enzymatic hydrolysis can be directly used, for example, it can be directly used in the production of cans or fillings, or it can be used for enema fillings.

Six, enzymatic manufacturing gelatin

The use of animal hides or bones for the manufacture of gelatin as a food additive has so far been implemented by subtraction in most factories in China. Enzymes were used to prepare gelatin in Europe and the United States since the early 1980s. The original condition of the gelatin monomer is a three-stranded helical peptide chain, and the protease can be hydrolyzed from one end because the helix structure at the end is the most incomplete. With the proper temperature of the protease, water, it can be easily hydrolyzed into a gelatin solution. Using enzymatic methods instead of subtraction can reduce the brewing time from weeks to less than a day.

Enzymatic use of meat to produce seasoning concentrates

The Doler company uses a special protease, using meat as raw material, enzymatic hydrolysis, extraction, amplification, concentration and other system processes to produce a highly concentrated flavor concentrate (Flavorconcenfrates), which is delicious, mellow and rich, and is absolutely Most people welcome, known as high-purity, natural, and excellent appetizing flavours.

The company's seasoning concentrate was applied to 1,742 kinds of meat, fish, and soup foods as flavoring agents, which increased the freshness of various meat products and was generally welcomed by consumers.

Eight, rich in amino acid rich in protein hydrolyzate injection of saline

The United States has created a process for extracting high-concentration solubilized proteolysates using alkaline proteases using isokinetic capacitors, and obtained concentrated proteins with a concentration of 70% (dry matter basis). When this concentrated protein was used to formulate saline for injection, the following formulation was used: soy protein hydrolyzate 25%, salt 14%, tripolyphosphate 2.5%, sodium nitrite 0.09%, pH 7 can be obtained for clarification Injectable saline, nutritional studies have shown that the true digestibility of human soy protein hydrolyzate is as high as 93%, which is higher than the digestion and absorption rate of other protein products obtained from soybean processing. At the same time, the taste and flavor of the meat products produced are good. This process has been widely used.

Nine, the application of protease in blood processing

In animal blood, hemoglobin accounts for 2/3 of the blood protein. Since the color of hemoglobin defines the color of the product, the dark organoleptic properties of the blood product limit the consumer market for blood meal.

The enzymatic decolorization technique for hemoglobin created in the United States solves this problem. The process requirements are as follows: The blood is collected by separation method to collect red blood cells, and 2 to 5 times of water is added to make hemolysis of red blood cells. The hemoglobin solution was adjusted to an 8% concentration and pH of 8 to 9, and then the enzymatic decolorization treatment was performed according to the protein mass of 2% to 4% in the solution, adding 0.6 liters of alkaline protease and controlling the temperature at 55°C. When the degree of hydrolysis (DH) of blood protein reaches above 15%, the enzymatic reaction is terminated by adding hydrochloric acid to lower the acidity and increase the temperature, and the supernatant is further filtered through water, and then concentrated and dried to form colorless blood powder. . The colorless, hydrolyzed concentrate can also be used directly as a protein liquid component of enemas, thus developing a new approach for the comprehensive utilization of a large number of animal blood.

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