
The scientific name is Proagopertha lucidula Faldermann, Corybidae. The distribution starts from Heilongjiang and Inner Mongolia in the north, near the Yangtze River in the south, reaches Wencheng in Zhejiang Province in the south, Xinyang in Anhui Province, Xinyang in Henan Province, Chongqing in Sichuan Province, and connects the former Soviet Union in the east, Gansu and Qinghai in the west, and Sichuan and Yunnan in the west. North China, Inner Mongolia, Gansu, and Qinghai have higher densities.

The traits of adult insects harm the flowers and young leaves of vegetables.

Morphological characteristics Adult body length 8.9 to 12.2mm, width 5.5-7.5mm. It is small in size, long oval in shape, arched in the back and ventral arches. The body is black or dark brown with the exception of elytra wings and has a bronze sheen. Coleoptera is brown or brownish-brown, translucent, often pale green, with nine engraved points, and there are scattered dots between the columns. The hips are short and wide in triangles with densely engraved long hairs. Under the body thick hair dense, strong protrusion in the mid-thoracoabdominal process, varying in length; the width of the center of the chest and deep depression into a longitudinal groove. The frontal part of the intestine had 2 teeth on the outer edge of the intestine, and the male had no distance from the inner edge.

Life habits occur one generation in a year, and the adults become overwintering. Adults had unearthed activities from late March to mid-May, and the damage period was from mid-April to early May. The larvae sneaked into the deep soil in late August to build a room and pupate, and in late September the adult emerged and wintered in its place. Adults are active during the day and they do not have phototaxis. They like to eat flowers from apple trees and they also plant vegetables and flowers.

The control method is described in the below-mentioned underground pest.

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