Female rabbits are chronically irritated

Since the beginning of autumn in 2009, many rabbit farms have shown that female rabbits do not have estrus for a long period of time, and the rate of mating and conceiving is very low, and some are only 20% to 30%. Some rabbit farms use hormones (such as: estrogen, triad hormones, so-called traditional Chinese medicine preparations -- "aphrodisiac casual", etc.) to deal with the results of estrus, very few fetuses. How is this going? After investigation and understanding, the author analyzes the reasons and proposes targeted technical measures to increase female rabbit fertility rate.

1. Female rabbits' sensation and health status. Lyrical and health conditions affect the activity of the ovary and affect the estrus and breeding of the female rabbit. There are two kinds of situations in production: one is poor public sentiment and the other is emaciated. This situation often occurs in rabbit farms with low levels of feeding or chronic wasting disease, such as parasitic infections. It is understood that more than 90% of rural family rabbit farms have dogs and cats, and some have farmed pets. If pests are not promptly evacuated and management is strengthened, it is very easy to infect parasitic diseases such as bean cysticerci and liver spine. This type of chronic wasting disease causes rabbits to consume too much nutrients, to eat more, not to be stung, and to suffer from chronic malnutrition; the other is that rabbits are too obese. Due to long-term empty-heartedness, and no control measures were taken, rabbits were overweight and affected ovarian function. Cause long-term estrus or mating infertility. Obesity caused by obesity is more common in production. This is true of female rabbits and male rabbits. To remember a word: chicken fat does not lay eggs, rabbit fat does not give birth. "Controlling the rabbit's lyrical condition is a very important technique. It is not lean, fat, and estrus prosperous. Eighty percent of people are guilty and have a high conception rate!"

2. Nutrition level and feed quality. The breeding of animals is carried out under the premise of ensuring their own nutrition. If you do not protect yourself, breeding offspring will become empty talk. Under conditions of good nutrition, estrus, breeding, and conception can be better. Some rabbit farms appear boring or mating infertility, and have a great relationship with low feed nutrient levels and poor feed quality. Some rabbit farms fed rabbits with poor feed for a long period of time, and nutrition did not meet the needs of rabbits. Some rabbit farms use large doses of toxic feed, such as cottonseed meal, rapeseed meal, etc. Some rabbit farm feeds have mildew in varying degrees, which seriously affects the rabbit's health and reproductive performance.

3. Rabbit male semen quality. The rate of mating and conceiving in the rabbit farm is very low, and it is often thought that it is the cause of female rabbits that cannot be resolved in the long term. However, abortion is a problem for both male and female rabbits, and problems in either side will affect the rate of conception. For example: a rabbit farm for 3 consecutive months, the rate of breeding fetus is not high. The author found that about 1/3 of male rabbits suffer from orchitis, and most of these male rabbits are excellent male rabbits. The main reason for this is the high temperature of testicular sagging in the summer and infection caused by scratching on the pedal. In addition, cold winter may also cause testicular frostbite. Another example: Rabbits in a rabbit farm in neighboring provinces have low libido and testicular atrophy. The authors analyzed that adding drugs (such as olaquindox, furazolidone, etc.) for a long time caused damage to the testicular tissue. Therefore, when the group's conception rate is low, look for the cause from both male and female rabbits.

4. Vitamin content and quality. The reproduction of rabbits has a very close relationship with vitamins, especially vitamin A, vitamin E and vitamin D. Some rabbit farms do not add vitamin additives for a long time, which seriously affects the reproductive performance of rabbits. In particular, after the use of full-grain pellet feed, no green fodder was provided, and the rabbit's vitamin nutrition was entirely derived from pelleted feed. If vitamins are not added, or if they are not added enough or are destroyed after they are added, they will affect the reproductive performance of rabbits. In this emphasis: First, the type of vitamins; Second, the amount of added, the general vitamin A requirements to reach 10,000 IU / kg, vitamin E 50 mg / kg, vitamin D900 international units / kg; third, buy the regular manufacturers of products . As far as I know, a rabbit farm has added many times vitamin supplements, but the effect is not always satisfactory. Later, the product was found to be fake and its content was seriously insufficient. Fourth, vitamins were prevented from being destroyed. If vitamins and trace elements are mixed, they will be destroyed; if the granular feed is added with more moisture (small pellet feed machines generally add more water), direct exposure to sunlight, vitamins will be severely damaged; Fifth, Pay attention to mildew and other factors of the feed. If the feed is mild, it will increase the amount of vitamin A. When suffering from liver disease, the ability to store fat-soluble vitamins also causes a relative lack of vitamins.

5. Lighting problems. The light has a close relationship with the rabbit's sexual activity. Without light, or lack of light, it will greatly affect the reproduction of rabbits. The female rabbits normally require 14 to 16 hours of light per day, and long or short periods will affect their ovarian activity. Problems that should be paid attention to in production: First, light time. Many rabbit farms have insufficient lighting time, especially from the beginning of autumn to the beginning of spring. Natural light and artificial light are generally used in combination. Insufficient natural light, artificial light. Take more light before the morning sunrise or light up after sunset. Some rabbit farms, although supplemented with light, can also cause lack of light if the rabbit house is built in poor lighting conditions. Winter fog and snow weather is more, affecting the real light, these factors should be taken into account; second, the light intensity. Breeding female rabbits require light intensity is not large, there are 20 lux (Lux) can be. In general, each rabbit house (15 m2) has a 30 watt bulb. Need to pay attention to frequent light bulbs to prevent dust, affect the brightness; third, light uniformity. Pay attention to whether the illumination of rabbit cages at different levels is the same and whether rabbits in different directions receive sufficient light. In production, rabbits in the upper cage often receive sufficient light, while rabbits in the lower layer lack illumination.

6. Weather and temperature. The estrus and breeding of rabbits are greatly affected by the weather. If there are no clouds, sunny days, and warm rabbit stables for several days in a row, most female rabbits are estrus at the same time, and the fertility rate of breeding is very optimistic. However, if it suddenly goes skyrocketing at this time, rain, fog or snowfall, the female rabbits in heat will stop estrus in a short period of time. According to the production survey, many rabbits in the winter are boring due to cold in the rabbit house. The suitable temperature for rabbit reproduction is 15 to 25°C. It is very difficult to reach this temperature in winter. As long as the control is above 5 °C, female rabbits can basically estrus. We should be aware that the reproductive cycle of rabbits is greatly affected by the environment. Therefore, the use of this law, the implementation of simultaneous mating, simultaneous production, in order to increase production efficiency.

7. Environmental quality. All factors that affect the rabbit's health and emotions will affect the rabbit's reproduction. The factors that are often overlooked in production are excessive concentrations of harmful gases and excessive air humidity, giving the rabbit an uncomfortable feeling. In order to achieve high reproductive performance and production efficiency, rabbits must create a comfortable living environment.

Breeding is the basis for the expansion of the group and is the key to improving the benefit of raising rabbits. 2010 is the golden age of raising rabbits. I hope everyone will master rabbit breeding techniques, increase reproduction efficiency, strive to raise more rabbits, raise rabbits, and make rabbits rich!

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