Early Pear after harvest management

I. Supply of nutrients and restoration of tree vigor Early pears mature earlier and consume more nutrients in the early period. After fruit-picking, the nutrients in the tree body before defoliation are in the scarcity stage, and fertilization and irrigation are performed in time to increase the tree vigor of the moderate and weak trees. It is advantageous to increase the degree of flower buds and the budding, flowering, and early fruit enlargement in the second year. After fruit picking, from the end of July to the beginning of August, 80-100 kg of fruit tree-specific fertilizers consisting mainly of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, or 250 kg of superphosphate and 40 kg of potassium sulfate compound fertilizers will be topped every 667 square meters. Apply fertilizer immediately after top dressing.

Second, the ring cutting control potential, to prevent Wang Changzao pear growth potential strong, coupled with the planting density, the tree is not standardized, the angle is not open and the impact of pruning and so on, Wang Chang phenomenon in the Guanzhong Irrigation District is more prominent. In view of this situation, not only must the fruits be controlled after fruit harvesting, but after the fruit is harvested, it is also necessary to prevent the burden of the tree from decreasing, and the flower buds will stimulate the growth. For some trees or branches with less flowering and staggering tree vigor, 1–2 Sub-ring cutting treatment, ease the tree potential, in order to ensure the number of flowers and production next year.

Third, reduce the density, suitable time cutting In recent years, the drawbacks of densely planted pear garden gradually exposed, the output does not go up, management costs, poor product rates, which restrict the improvement of the effectiveness of the orchard. The temporary thinning of trees and the implementation of reasonable density are the primary measures for improving the yield and quality of dense planting gardens. Implement high quality management of thin trees, thin branches and thin fruits. After the thinning, the principle of pruning with light shear, long release, and multi-branched branches was used to expand the canopy and train into a spindle-shaped tree to improve the production capacity and yield potential of the early cruciferous pear.

Fourth, pay close attention to diseases and pests prevention and control Prunus pear pest harm is lighter, relax pest control orchard, in recent years, ringworm disease, scale insects, borer pests, two-leaf mites and other hazards have risen, after fruit picking, spray a killing Insecticides, plus 0.5% urea or potassium dihydrogen phosphate, spray the tree evenly.

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