Peach tree phosphorus deficiency symptoms prevention method

1. The effect of phosphorus on the growth and development of peach trees Phosphorus has two effects on the growth and development of peach trees. On the one hand, it can enhance the tree vigor, maintain the robust growth of trees, promote flowering, early fruits, and promote the maturation of fruits and seeds. , increase sugar content, improve fruit quality. On the other hand, it can improve the adaptability of peach tree to the external environment, enhance the root absorption function, promote root growth, and improve the drought resistance, cold resistance and disease resistance of fruit trees. Second, the symptoms of phosphorus deficiency Peach lack of phosphorus, the performance of plant growth is relatively slow, branches fine and upright, thin and crisp leaves, fruit maturity delayed, a small fruit, color is not bright, low sugar content, poor fruit quality . The time of occurrence occurred in July-August. It first appeared in the middle leaves of the new shoots and gradually developed upward. The leaves become smaller and slender, and the leaves are dark green or grayish green, and they are dull. The petiole of the petiole or leaf blade is reddish-brown or purple-red, and when it is severe, the entire leaf is purple-red. After September, the leaves gradually lost, because the accumulation of nutrients did not affect the quality of flower buds. The specific performance is that the flower buds are thin, the flowering and leaf development time is delayed in the second year, and the fruit setting rate is low. Third, the occurrence of conditions 1. In alkaline or calciferous soils, phosphorus is easily fixed and cannot be directly absorbed by fruit trees. 2. Partial application of nitrogen fertilizer, the application of too little phosphate orchard. 3. It has been used for many years without ripening tillage. Fourth, control methods 1. After harvesting fruit in autumn, the inorganic fertilizer or phosphorus-containing compound fertilizer is mainly applied on the basis of applying organic fertilizer. In the application of phosphate fertilizer, pay attention to the proportion of nitrogen and potassium fertilizer application of formula fertilization. 2. Phosphate fertilizer is sprayed on the foliage during growth, such as 0.2%-0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution.

Pharmaceutical Grade Gelatin

Pharmagel Gelatin,Halal Gelatin Softgel,Nutrition Gelatin

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