Meat pigeon habits

The pigeon is a bird, pigeon-shaped, stork and pigeon. The ancestors of the pigeons are wild native pigeons. Pigeons are varieties that have been bred through long-term breeding. Because of its large size, meat production, good flesh quality, and poor flight, people keep it for the purpose of eating meat. Therefore, it is called "meat pigeon".
Meat pigeons, also called pigeons, refer to young birds within 4 weeks of age. Its characteristics are: large size, rich nutrition, high medicinal value, is an advanced nourishing nutritional products. The meat is delicate and delicious, and it is the first of its kind. It was determined that the pigeons contained more than 17 kinds of amino acids, the sum of amino acids was as high as 53.9%, and contained more than 10 trace elements and various vitamins. Therefore, pigeon meat is an ideal food with high protein and low fat. Meat pigeons have very good medicinal value. Their bones and meat can be used as medicine. They can adjust their heart, nourish blood, and supplement qi. They have the effect of preventing diseases, eliminating fatigue and increasing appetite.
The characteristics of meat pigeon breeding: 1 meat pigeon sexual maturity, rapid reproduction and rapid growth. The pigeons age 5 to 6 months can be paired and breed. The breeding pigeons can produce 8 to 12 pairs of pigeons each year, and the pigeons can be sold only after 25 to 30 days of feeding. The weight can reach 500 to 750 grams. 2 Short feeding cycle, fast turnover, low investment and quick effect. The premises and equipment required for rearing meat pigeons are simple, the scale is very variable, and the feed consumption is small. The maximum daily consumption of grain for each pair of pigeons does not exceed 100 grams. The main raw materials for corn are mainly corn, and no processing is required. The price is cheap and the raw materials for the feed are convenient. Easy to get, low cost of feeding. You can see benefits in the month of purchase. 3 Meat pigeons have good adaptability, few diseases, simple feeding and management techniques, high breeding income, stable income, and low risk.

Ear wax, or [cerumen," is present in the ear on purpose. For the vast majority of people, wax removal is completely unnecessary. (Yes, you should pay attention to the warning on the Q-tips® box.)


The ears are designed to self-clean. They should almost always function normally by sloughing off ear wax as necessary, discarding it outside the ear. Sometimes people experience a hardening of ear wax.

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