Mango storage and preservation

1. Mango's storage characteristics Mango is a berry-like stone fruit, which is a transitional fruit. Because it grows in tropical and subtropical regions, it is sensitive to low temperatures. In general, cold damage occurs around 10°C, while high temperatures accelerate its rot and seals tend to deteriorate. The mature period of mango is at high temperature and rainy season. When it is blue, it is picked and quickly cooked at room temperature. Therefore, the suitable temperature for storing mango can neither be high nor low, generally, the temperature is preferably 12-13°C, and the relative humidity is 85%-90%.

Since ethylene will accelerate the decay of mango ripening, care should be taken when storing and keeping fresh. When using low temperature storage, fresh air in the fruit storage environment should be kept to avoid bad ventilation and adverse effects of ethylene. The use of ethylene absorbers as much as possible in the use of controlled atmosphere storage eliminates the adverse effects of ethylene on the controlled atmosphere storage. The storage life of mango is very short, and the storage and preservation of mango must be started from various aspects to carry out comprehensive preservation.

2, mango harvest mango harvest should be timely, determine the fruit maturity or not: (1) when the fruit has reached the original size, two shoulders round, dark fruit color, the fruit is basically mature. (2) When a tree has fallen naturally naturally, it can be harvested. (3) Cut open the fruit, harden the seed shell, and light yellow flesh. After 7-10 days, the ripening peel will not shrink, then it will be harvested. (4) The fruit is half-sinking or sinking in water, which is mature.

Harvest time should be selected in the sunny morning, where the harvested fruits are not resistant to storage, and are susceptible to anthrax and pedicel.

When harvesting, use branches or fruit scissors to cut one by one. It is forbidden to shake off or shoot off with bamboo. Cut the fruit to leave 3-5 cm of fruit handle, can prevent the same milk flow, contaminated peel and cause rot. If there is still milk outflow, the handle should be turned down, and the basket should be installed 1-2 hours later. Take light and easy light when harvesting. After the harvest, the fruit is rapidly moved to the shade to dissipate heat, eliminating diseases, insects and wounds.

3. After the fruits of the mangoes are harvested and transported, they are first distributed in the room for a day and night to make them “sweat”. Then, wipe the fruit surface with a damp cloth and grade it. Soft and thin clean fruit paper is used for single packaging, and then layered in wooden boxes, cartons or bamboo baskets. Before packing, first put paddy straw and scraps of paper on the bottom of the box, and then put the mango. The layers are filled with paper scraps to prevent the fruit from being squeezed and injured during transportation. Generally 5 layers per carton, 2 layers for export. The blue-colored mangoes must be transported in time, preserved, and kept fresh, otherwise it will cause a lot of decay. Fresh-keeping trucks are transported under long-distance conditions at 13°C, and the skin turns yellow after 7 days. Therefore, the processing and transportation of the fruits must be strictly arranged and the goods must be delivered to the destination of sale before the fruits are soft cooked.

4. Mango pre-storage treatment Mangoes must be stored as soon as possible after the postharvest. In order to improve the storage effect, proper treatment should be performed before storage.

The mango used for storage should be selected to be free from pests and diseases, and the selected good fruit should be cleaned to remove the stains and fruit juice overflow. The best combination of antiseptic and bactericidal treatment at the time of fruit washing can prevent anthrax and pedicel from occurring. Tests have shown that the effect is better when the fruit is washed with 1% acetic acid solution or with hot water at 52°C for 10 minutes. If 52 °C, 500ppm Benzol or Tektronix hot solution dip fruit better, the prevention of anthrax disease efficiency of more than 95%. It is also possible to dip fruit with 1000 ppm Benzene or Tecdo. After dipping fruit, remove it, spread out to dry, and then select the fruit package for storage.

5. The temperature of mangoes stored at low temperature during ripe harvesting of mangoes is relatively high. Therefore, the low temperature used should gradually decrease. The specific method is: timely harvest the good fruit without injury, wash the overflow of the fruit handle wound with water, and then dip 500-1000ppm Benzene 500 °C aqueous solution for 50 minutes and dry. Wrap one by one with breathable cotton tissue paper, carefully pack or put it in the fruit basket, the basket should be covered with hay, and the amount of fruit is 15-20 kg. Set in a ventilated environment at 20°C to dissipate heat for 1-2 days, then transfer to a 15°C room (or storehouse) for 1-2 days, then store at a temperature of 10-12°C, and keep the relative humidity at 85%-90°C. %.

6. The controlled storage of mango fruits will be sterilized, pre-cooled and sweated, and sealed with a polyethylene film bag to seal the bottom package, using its own breathing to form low oxygen and higher carbon dioxide gas components, delaying the mango The ripe decay process can prolong the storage and transportation time of mango for 2-15 days, and the storage period is about 1 month. However, it should be noted that polyethylene film pouches should be removed at the end of storage to prevent carbon dioxide damage. Mangoes need to be cooked at 21-24°C after storage to improve their quality and flavor.

If the oxygen content in the storage is about 8%, carbon dioxide is 6% or so, the effect is good. If the carbon dioxide content exceeds 15%, the mango cannot be normalized and matured.

In addition, put some ethylene absorbent-potassium permanganate carrier in the film bag that stores mango, can improve the storage effect.

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