How to make pheasants prolific

The pheasant, also known as the pheasant and pheasant, is a precious rare bird that is used for meat, medicinal, and ornamental purposes. It has the characteristics of rapid growth and development, and strong resistance to disease. How to increase the egg production rate of pheasants?
First, do a good job of prevention. During the breeding process, the pens must be kept clean. In addition to regular cleaning every day, they are sterilized twice a week with 0.1% 100% poison or sterile spirit spray. Disinfectant can be sprayed onto pheasants. The trough and sink are brushed once a day with reddish potassium permanganate water. In the laying period, the main diseases are white fleas and E. coli. Penicillin can be used for prevention and control. It is cheap and safe and easy to use. Use 80,000 units of penicillin for 80 chickens to prevent the epidemic once. The method is to mix the penicillin with drinking water for the chicken to drink, usually once a week.
Second, breeding improved varieties. The high and low egg production rate of pheasants and the quality of breeders play a decisive factor. The mother shank is required to have a strong physique and weigh 1 to 1.5 kilograms. The individual is well-proportioned, well-developed, docile, lively and active, crown color bright red, and great eyes. Gongshan chicken is well-proportioned in all parts of the body, with well-developed pectoral muscles, bright red crowns, long buzzing sounds, plump feathers, majestic posture and strong mating abilities.
Third, the proportion of male and female. Reasonable matching of male and female is an important measure to reduce feeding costs, increase economic efficiency and extend the production period. There are too many roosters, one is to waste feed, and the other is that roosters often fight for their spouses and are wounded. The hens also have difficulty in accepting frequent mating and affect the production of eggs; too few roosters can reduce the fertilization rate of eggs, and the average male-male ratio is 1:1-3:4 is appropriate.
Fourth, scientific ingredients. Pheasants during the production of eggs, the nutritional composition should be comprehensive, metabolic energy 2700-2750 kcal, crude protein more than 23%, complete essential amino acids. The feed formulation during this period was: corn 50%, bean cake 15%, wheat bran 17%, sorghum 6.5%, fishmeal 8%, shell powder 2%, bone meal 1%, salt 0.5%, plus additives 0.5% and in every hundred Add 50 grams of methionine to your diet. Two months after the laying of eggs, a "comprehensive drop in egg production vaccine."
Fifth, the temperature is appropriate. Although the pheasant does not freeze at -20°C, the temperature below 5°C will affect the production of eggs and normal growth. In order to make the pheasants produce more eggs and improve efficiency, warming measures should be taken when the temperature is lower than 5°C. Plastic sheds, coal fires, etc., and the relationship between insulation and ventilation must be handled.
Six, feeding and management. Regular water supply, always maintain clean drinking water, and careful observation, found that the disease in a timely manner isolation and treatment, to clean the house every day to keep the house clean and dry. Generally, no more than 5 animals are kept per square meter, supplemented with light on time, and 3-4 hours per day, usually 3-4 watt bulbs per square meter.


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