Dialectical treatment of cow mastitis

Dairy cow mastitis is one of the most common diseases of dairy cows, and it occurs in areas where cows are raised. The disease is closely related to environmental management and other factors. It is complex and difficult to control and eliminate. The economic losses caused by the mastitis of dairy cows are enormous. Although there are no special reports on economic losses and accurate statistics in China, it is estimated that the economic losses caused by mastitis each year are as much as 7 to 800 million yuan.

According to statistics, clinical mastitis accounts for 21% to 23% of the total incidence of cows. As a result of the decline in milk production, the milk in the diseased milk area is seriously abandoned, and the purulent, gangrene, and atrophy of the milk area cause permanent incapacity and lose their value. Therefore, the eliminated cows account for 40% to 60% of the total elimination. . Foreign studies have reported that the incidence of mastitis in dairy cows is between 20% and 70%, and the reported incidence in China is between 40% and 80%. Recessive mastitis can not be ignored, according to statistics, the dairy industry in Fushun City, due to hidden mastitis loss of about 50 to 700,000 yuan each year.

1 Causes of Bovine Mastitis

1.1 Pathogen Infection

So far, 150 species of pathogenic microorganisms have been isolated from breast tissue of dairy cows, the most common of which are 23 species, including 14 species of bacteria, 2 species of mycoplasma, 7 species of fungi and 7 viruses. The highest incidence rate is Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and Streptococcus. In recent years, the incidence of mastitis caused by mycoplasma and fungi has increased year by year.

1.2 Environmental Management Factors

Environmental conditions such as cowsheds, cattle beds and sports grounds are muddy, there are too many fouls around the body of the cattle and the breasts, the sanitary conditions are too poor, the temperatures are too high (above 36 degrees Celsius) or too low (below -5 degrees Celsius). The milking conditions do not meet the physiological requirements of lactation, such as excessive vacuum pressure, too low, improper scrubbing of the breasts and milking.

1.3 Cow's own factors

In dairy cows with high lactation or milk production, the body's energy is negatively balanced. The relative prevalence of old cattle and multiple births is high.

1.4 Secondary factors

In recent years, the author found that the cow's grubosis in clinical treatment, will also become a pathogenic factor for dairy cows mastitis, but also very difficult to treat. Postpartum infection can also lead to mastitis. To this end, after the diagnosis of secondary mastitis, the primary disease should be treated first.

2 dialectical treatment

2.1 serous mastitis

Mainly characterized by the exudation of serous fluid in the breast, it is more common in E. coli infection and hypocalcemia. There was uniform swelling of the breasts, edema of the milk area, no soft space, no pain, no heat, and milky water. Mostly occur in dairy cows with the second highest fetal output or high milk production. Many clinically associated with loss of appetite, decreased rumination and other symptoms. Treatment should be based on the principles of anti-inflammatory, diuresis, and anti-exudation. Commonly used drugs: calcium chloride, calcium borate, urotropine, antibiotics (tobramycin). Chinese medicine can be used: honeysuckle, dandelion, Viola divaricata, Poria, Atractylodes.

2.2 Fibrinous mastitis

Infection mainly refers to milk floc, more common in the early stages of Staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus, and mycoplasma. The main manifestations of diseased cattle body temperature, mental depression, loss of appetite, breast swelling, pain, and solid. Milk contains flocs, strips. The preferred drug for treating mastitis caused by Staphylococcus aureus is penicillin. When used, it can be combined with Shuanghuanglian, and the effect of andrographolide is better. Streptomycin can be used for streptococcus mastitis, cephalosporins. Mycoplasma mastitis can use tylosin.

2.3 Suppurative mastitis

S. pyogenes cause "dry cows" or summer mastitis. Most infections occur during the dry period and increase as the dry cows are in a dirty, muddy environment. As the pyogenic actinomycetes are common skin diseases of dairy cows, the incidence of mosquito bite at the end of the summer, mostly occurs in dry milk 2 weeks later, and mostly in the muddy, wet environment, the incidence rate of up to 25%. Mainly manifested in one or more edema in the breast area, hard and firm, with pus in the milk, later softening, skin ulceration, and pus. Treatment should pay attention to the improvement of environmental health, penicillin, cephalosporins for purulent mastitis is an effective drug, with breast irrigation, milk tube delivery.

2.4 Hemorrhagic mastitis

Refers to the inflammation in the milk containing a large number of red and white balls. More common in mechanical damage. The main clinical manifestations of breast milk are blood clots, blood clots, and other symptoms are not obvious. Mainly due to rough milking, squeezing or damaging the mammary glands due to breast closure. Treatment can be used to maintain blood or blood stasis to stop bleeding, with antibacterial anti-inflammatory drugs. External application of white blemishes, oral hemostatic agents.

2.5 Gangrene mastitis

Clinically, it is characterized by the presence of impurities in the milk that are dirty, smelly, and green in color. Mainly caused by the bacilli, Staphylococcus aureus. In addition to foreign bodies contained in milk, it is also accompanied by severe systemic symptoms, mental depression, loss of appetite, cold skin of the gangrene of the breast, blue-black, and release of special bad habits. In general, the prognosis is poor. Apramycin can be used for treatment, lincomycin, combined with cardiac infusion of Chinese medicine Coptis, violet, dipping, pangolin, turmeric. With the external use of jade cream (Danggui, Angelica, licorice, Lithospermum, light powder, Bai exhaust), can obtain a certain effect.

2.6 Proliferative mastitis

It is characterized by hyperplasia of breast connective tissue and locally formed lump, which is mainly caused by the persistence of various types of mastitis, especially mycoplasma-induced mastitis leading to breast fibrosis and atrophy of mammary gland cells. The main treatment is to control the development, it is difficult to completely cure, medication can use florfenicol, lomefloxacin. Chinese medicine Shanjiazhu, peach kernel, soap, green skin, melon wilting has a certain effect.

2.7 Fungal mastitis

Mainly refers to mastitis caused by Aspergillus. The main reason is that due to the continuous use of antibacterial drugs for a long time, a double infection of the fungus caused mastitis. The main clinical manifestations are recessive passage or mild inflammation of the breast. The texture is doughy and prolonged. Treatment can use miconazole, nystatin, iodine preparations.

2.8 Viral mastitis

Most of them are secondary infections, such as herpes virus and vaccinia virus. They use secondary infections through the skin and use ribavirin for treatment. Amantadine has a certain effect.

3 Summary and discussion

Dairy cow mastitis is a common disease of dairy cows. Therefore, it is necessary to take comprehensive measures to prevent and treat mastitis in dairy cows. In order to achieve significant results and reduce economic losses, long-term adherence and the establishment of routines and systems are necessary.

3.1 Effectively keep cattle body and sanitation cleanliness, especially the breasts and hindquarters, the cowshed is dry and ventilated, cool in winter and cool in summer.

3.2 Carefully clean and disinfect the breasts before milking. The milk should be squeezed. The teat should be squeezed and the milking machine must be properly used. Stand for a period of time (about 1 hour) after milking and wait until the nipple hole is automatically closed and then lie on its own floor (first milking and then feeding is best).

3.3 Strengthen feeding management to ensure normal signs of injustice and proper lyricism.

3.4 Early detection, timely treatment, clinically different treatment methods according to different types.

3.5 Timely elimination of chronically ill old and low-producing cattle, cutting off the chance of infection.

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