Routinely softens blood vessels and counts 8 foods

For those with unhealthy blood vessels, it is very important to soften blood vessels, especially diet conditioning. If you want to use diet to regulate, what kind of food to soften blood vessels to eat the best? What are the common therapeutic methods for softening blood vessels? Understand together!

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Blood-softening food

Black fungus: There is a view that the longer the food from us, the greater the replenishment of the human body. The mushrooms, such as black fungus and mushrooms, appeared about 3.5 billion years ago and should significantly benefit the human body. Modern studies have shown that black fungus contains glial active substances that can significantly clear blood vessels and have antithrombotic effects. There are also significant lipid-lowering and viscosity-reducing effects.

Onion: Onion: Contains a prostaglandin A that causes blood vessels to dilate. It relaxes blood vessels, lowers blood viscosity, and reduces blood pressure. At the same time, onions also contain diallyl disulfide and sulfur-containing amino acids that enhance fibrin. Dissolved activity, with hypolipidemic, anti-atherogenic function.

Tomatoes: Tomatoes contain a lot of lycopene and are rich in vitamin C; they are powerful antioxidants. Lycopene, known as plant gold, is the strongest antioxidant in nature; its antioxidant activity is twice that of carotenoids. Can effectively remove free radicals that harm the body.

Hawthorn: Contains triterpene and flavonoids, which has the effect of strengthening and regulating the heart muscle, increasing the amplitude of cardiac contraction and coronary blood flow, and also lowering cholesterol in the serum. Therefore, patients with cardiovascular diseases should eat more hawthorn.

Kelp: Kelp is rich in fucoidan and laminin. These substances all have heparin-like activity, which can prevent blood clots and reduce cholesterol, lipoprotein, and inhibit atherosclerosis.

Eggplant: protect cardiovascular and blood pressure, eggplant is rich in vitamin P, is a flavonoid compound, has the effect of softening blood vessels, but also enhance the elasticity of blood vessels, reduce capillary permeability, prevent capillary rupture, prevent Small blood vessels have a certain role.

Ginger: Contains a kind of oleoresin, which has obvious hypolipidemic and cholesterol-lowering effects.

Garlic: Contains volatile hormones, which can eliminate the fat accumulated in the blood vessels and have a significant lipid-lowering effect.

Softening blood vessels recipes

1, rice polenta

Production: half corn and half rice. First add appropriate amount of fresh water to the corn bran and mix thoroughly until the rice is boiled and mixed with the corn bran.

Efficacy: This porridge has Yifei Ningxin, tune in appetizers, soften blood vessels and other effects. Suitable for patients with atherosclerosis, hyperlipidemia, coronary heart disease and other cardiovascular diseases.

2, garlic porridge

Production: Purple skin garlic peeled several times, the garlic skin boiled and boiled for about 1 minute after the fish out, and then put the rice into the boiling water of the garlic boiled gruel, and then put the garlic into the same cook for the porridge.

Efficacy: It can soften blood vessels, lower blood pressure, reduce blood fat, and prevent arteriosclerosis.

3, walnut peanut corn porridge

Production: Mix corn, walnut granules, and peanuts in appropriate amounts of water and boil them together.

Efficacy: Helps the normal metabolism of body fat and cholesterol, can reduce the deposition of cholesterol in blood vessels, thereby softening arterial blood vessels.

Sunflower Kernel

Sunflower Kernel,Sunflower Seed Kernels,Flavored Sunflower Kernels,Raw Sunflower Kernels

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