Prevention and Control Techniques of Main Diseases and Insect Pests of Honeysuckle

Honeysuckle, also known as honeysuckle, is also known as Erhua, a semi-evergreen evergreen shrub. The stems, leaves, flowers, and fruits can be used as medicines, and the flower buds have the highest efficacy. Honeysuckle once planted, can grow for more than 30 years, the high yield period of up to 20 years. It is one of the bulk export medicines in China and domestic demand is increasing year by year. The main pest control methods for honeysuckle are described below. Honeysuckle, also known as honeysuckle, is also known as Erhua, a semi-evergreen evergreen shrub. The stems, leaves, flowers, and fruits can be used as medicines, and the flower buds have the highest efficacy. Honeysuckle once planted, can grow for more than 30 years, the high yield period of up to 20 years. It is one of the bulk export medicines in China and domestic demand is increasing year by year. The main pest control methods for honeysuckle are described below. First, the brown spot symptoms: the pathogen is semi-known bacteria, damage the leaves, heavier in summer. When the disease occurred, irregular spots on the leaves of brown spots, the central brown, dark brown edges, and the production of dark brown mold. In severe cases, the entire leaf is yellow and falls off. Prevention and control measures: 1. Clear the garden after harvest, clean the sick and damaged branches and strains, and burn them together. 2. In the early stage of disease, spray with 800-1000 times of the bacteria shark, 600 times of the 65% solution of zinc, spray once every 7 days - 10 days, and spray 2 times - 3 times. Severe onset of illness, you can use 2000-3000 times of spray bacillus, can quickly control the treatment of diseases. Second, the locust symptoms: occurred in the middle of April, 15 °C -25 °C when the fastest breeding. The sap of the main plant sucks the leaves, turning the leaves yellow, curled, and shrunken. In severe cases it will cause no harvest. Control measures: 1. Remove weeds. 2. Before the plants germinate, they spray with lime sulfur 0.2% for 1 time. Afterwards, Qingming, Guyu, and Lixia each spray 1 time, which can cure aphids and can cure a variety of diseases and insect pests. During the period from late-March to early-April, the leaves spread out. When the aphids began to occur, spraying 40% omethoate 1500-2000 times, 5 days- 7 days, several times in succession. Flowers are prohibited during the flowering period. Use 1 kg of detergent to mix water with 10 kg or spray 1 kg of alcohol with 100 kg of water. Third, the coffee tiger Tianji prevention and control measures: 1. Spawning period with 50% sulphur EC 600 times - 1000 times the liquid or 50% phosphorus latex cream 1500 times spray, 7 days - 10 days 1, even a few spray; 2. Cut about 20 cm of young shoots and remove the dead plants. Burn them together.

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