How to control weeds in celery field

Question: Zhang Chenggang, Shuangzhuang Town, Suqian City, Suqian City: There are broadleaf weeds and grass weeds in the celery field. Which herbicides can be used to control?

Answer: It is easier to control grassy weeds after the seedlings of celery, and they can be basically distributed in the weeds. When they are in the 3 to 5 leaf stage, they should be controlled by fine quizalofop, high-efficiency flupirtine, fluazifop and so on. . It is more difficult to control broad-leaved weeds after the seedlings of celery, and the measures for soil sealing should be taken for broad-leaved weeds in the field. Can be controlled before seeding or before transplanting seedlings, dicloxacin, pendimethalin and other drugs control.

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