Application of NPS food thickener in pulp suspension beverage

[Hui Cong Food Industry Network] Studies have shown that when the concentration of aqueous solution of pure natural NPS food thickener reaches 0.2% (SS%), the pH is 3. When O~3.5, the suspension force at room temperature is equivalent to more than 20 times the suspension strength of the same concentration of agar. Therefore, pure natural NPS food thickener can be used to make various suspensions of pulp particles, such as oranges and granules. Strawberry, raspberry, pineapple, etc., and the suspension of the product is crystal color, crystal clear, highly transparent, El refreshing, slippery but not greasy, it is pleasing to the eye.

In the process, the key factors affecting the levitation force are citric acid and NPS thickeners. The amount of citric acid added is 0,1%, and the amount of NPS thickener added is O. 2%~O. 3%, within this range can be adjusted according to seasonal changes, that is, the winter and spring seasons can be lower, summer can be higher. The amount of pulp added is 3% to 5%, the amount of white sugar added is 5% to 8%, and the amount of raw juice added is 5%. If fruit flavor is used instead of the original juice, the amount added is O. 15% - 0.18%.