Prevent seedling stage damping-off

The seedling damping-off disease is caused by Rhizoctonia solani in the soil. The bacteria mostly invade the base of the roots of the seedlings from the surface soil, and the diseased part of the plants collapsed and contracted after being victimized. The diseased plants were dark brown. The diseased seedlings often fell down from the soil surface and caused tripping; if the seedling tissue had become lignified, the diseased seedlings often did not fall down. The performance of dry symptoms. When the soil is wet, the disease department often produces a pink mold layer.

Control methods: 1 seedlings at the beginning of the disease with 70% thiophanate-methyl WP 1000 times, 1000 grams of enemy cough pine irrigation, sterilization can play a role. 2 timely removal and treatment of diseased plants to reduce the source of infection. 3 It is best to use formalin to disinfect the soil before sowing or planting, 50 litres of formalin per square meter, add 16 to 24 pounds of water to the soil, or use ferrous sulfate, 15 per mu. Kilograms, mixed with sand and sprinkled in the soil.


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