Six reasons why piglets grow slowly

Weaning is unreasonable

Farmers raise their pigs to take a weaning method and go on the market immediately after weaning. This has caused the pigs to have a maternal as the center, cohabitation among their siblings, and stable and comfortable living conditions. The pigs have suddenly changed due to difficulty in adapting to them. The number of sucklings should be gradually reduced until 5 to 6 days before weaning until complete weaning. This method is very beneficial to the growth of the pig.

Feeding is not timely

The piglets did not make up the feeding in time during the lactation period. They could not eat well after weaning and there was no milk supplementation, causing slow growth and development to stop. In general, feed should be started at the 7th day of the sow, so that when the sow's lactation level drops, it can be officially filled to compensate for the lack of sow's lactation. It started with fragrant, sweet, brittle and easily digestible feeds, and gradually changed to normal feed later.

Unreasonable feed and feeding methods

After weaning, the piglet not only cannot eat breast milk, but also the feed quality is very poor. The amount of water in the feed is low, and the number of daily feeds is sharply reduced from 6 to 8 times before weaning to 3 times. The drastic changes in these conditions make the pig The normal development is hampered. Therefore, when buying pigs, it is necessary to inquire about the seller's feeding and management of the pigs in detail, so that the quality and quantity of feeds will gradually transition, the fine green forage will gradually transition, and the number of feeds will gradually transition from more to less.

Too much change in environmental conditions

After weaning, the pigs were mother-centered and co-habited by their siblings. After weaning, it is usually a pig lap. Pigs cannot adapt to this lonely life for a short period of time. In particular, the cold weather in winter can not sleep well, and is prone to various diseases and even death. Therefore, when purchasing pigs, it is necessary to understand as much as possible the original feeding conditions, create a comfortable living environment for the pigs, and gradually change the feeding conditions.

Extensive management

At present, farmer raising pigs is usually a pig lap. Some pigs eat, sleep, and defecate in the same place, and they are not cleaned or gasketed, causing environmental pollution and poor sanitation. Especially in winter, it is easy to cause pig colds. A series of diseases such as diarrhea and diarrhea seriously affect the health of pigs and are extremely detrimental to growth and development. In the actual pig production, we can use 3 to 6 heads as a circle according to the speed of eating and eating, and the temperament is good or bad, so pigs compete for food, grow fast, and do a good job in tune up to make it a fixed point of eating, fixed defecation, sleep on a regular basis, Keep the environment clean.

The epidemic prevention and the timing of castration are wrong

Farmers buy more pigs than bazaars and conduct epidemic prevention and castration at the time of purchase. The three unfavorable factors such as weaning, epidemic prevention and castration were all added to the sow pigs, so that the weight of the pigs could not be recovered in a long time, which seriously affected the normal growth and development of the pigs. The pigs grew slowly and formed stiff pigs. Due loss. In general, small boars that do not retain seed can be castrated at 20 days of age and gilts can be castrated at 30-40 days. In order to prevent certain infectious diseases, swine fever can be injected before 30 days of age. It can be carried out at 3 months of age.

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