Organic tea garden soil management

First, between the rows of grass covered organic tea garden must be paved between the rows, forage less than 1,000 kg per mu per year. Grass planting in the tea gardens can increase soil water storage, inhibit weed growth, and increase soil fertility. In addition, it also has the functions of drought protection, warming and freezing. Second, intensive farming, diligent weeding organic tea garden can not use herbicides, can only diligently shallow cultivation of cutting grass. Generally, the spring tea is to be ploughed once before harvesting. The depth is about 10cm. The grass is cut and the overwintering weeds are removed. The spring tea is ploughed and cut again after picking, so that the loose topsoil can be loosened and the growth of summer grasses can be postponed. In the fall and winter seasons, a deep ploughing operation is performed with a combination of basal fertilisers, which is 20 to 30 cm deep, and is covered with deep forage. When deep plowing, the method of medium depth, shallow rhizosphere is adopted, so as not to hurt the roots or lessen the roots. Third, the specific practice of breeding between the line is generally divided into two steps: 1. Insect culture. In the tea garden area, dig a pit of 3 to 4 m in length, 1 to 1.5 m in width, and 30 to 40 cm in depth, and lay a fattened loam soil about 10 cm thick at the bottom of the pit. On the loam soil, a layer of rotted branches, rotten leaves, corrals, etc., were used as a mash bed. Spread 10~15cm thick loam on the foodstuff and water it every day to keep the trampoline 50%~60% moisture content. Inoculate earthworms in a trampoline and inoculate 30 to 50 eggs per square meter. Watering is often done to keep the bed moist. After a few months, the earthworms can multiply. 2. Stocking tea gardens. A 30- to 40-cm wide and 30-cm deep stocking ditch was opened between the tea gardens. The piled manure, tea litter and straw were placed in the ditch, and a small amount of topsoil was mixed evenly. Then dig out the earthworms, earthworm excrement, and the remaining litter, and spread them into the stocking ditch. Then cover it with loose soil and water it to allow the earthworm to grow and reproduce. Check the growth of crickets once a year and add food. Fourth, intercropping green manure should be selected according to local conditions and types of green manure. For 1 to 2 year old tea gardens, dwarf or sorghum green manures such as groundnut and mung bean should be used; for 3-4 year old tea gardens, early and dwarf green manures, such as black kidney bean, black soybean, and mung bean can be used. . The green manure that is used as both a fertilizer and a soil moisturizer can be used as a scorpion. Green organic fertilizer in organic tea gardens should be mastered in cultivation techniques: 1. It is an important part of high-yield and high-quality green manure in tea gardens when it is time to farm. In the appropriate sowing period, such as moisture and weather conditions permit to strive to broadcast early, is conducive to the improvement of yield and quality. 2. In accordance with local conditions and reasonable close planting, it is the key to successful intercropping of green manure in tea gardens. If the intercropping density is too high, it will affect the growth of tea plants. On the contrary, if the intercropping is too thin, the yield of green manure is low. The summer green manure of the planted tea garden should adopt the intercropping method of “1, 2, 3 corresponding to 3, 2, 1”, ie, 1 line of green tea for 3 lines of green manure, 2 years of tea room for 2 lines of green manure, and 3 years of tea room for 1 line of green manure, 4 The annual tea plantation no longer grows green manure. As for the winter, because there are few conflicts between the tea tree and the green manure, it can be properly planted. Such as rapeseed, fat field radish, milk vetch, medlar mixed or peas, radish, yarrow mixed, the output can be higher than unicast 40% to 70%. 3. Rhizobial inoculation. In the soil of Xinyi Tea Plantation or replanting tea plantation, the corresponding rhizobia should be used for inoculation. According to experiments, when the new tea plantation was intercropped with winter green mandarin milk vetch, the rhizobia inoculation could increase production by 5% to 10% compared to non-inoculation. In addition, the content of molybdenum is low in the general red soil tea gardens. If the rhizobia are inoculated with molybdenum fertilizer, the nitrogen fixation capacity of green manure can be greatly improved. 4. Timely blue. The high stalked green manure in the summer green manure has a rapid growth and strong absorption capacity, and often hinders the normal growth of the tea tree.