Occurrence and Control of Grape White Rot Disease

Grape white rot generally begins to develop after fruit coloring. As the color level increases, the condition becomes worse and the more mature, the more susceptible the disease is. In the event of rainy weather during fruit coloring, the disease becomes prevalent and is often associated with grape anthracnose. Each year occurs at different levels. In normal years, fruit particles fall off by 10% to 20%, and in the epidemic years, the rate of grain fall is 80% to 100%, causing great losses. I. Harmful symptoms In the early stages of white rot, some of the fruit's tissues were rotted and decayed. They quickly spread to the whole fruit. The dense, grayish-white small particles turned gray later and the diseased fruit later fell off. Second, the occurrence of regular germs with conidia conidia in disease cranial tissue or in the soil with the disease fall winter in the soil.分In the summer of early summer, conidia were produced after warm air, rainy days, and rainy days. They were transmitted to the ground near the ground by the splashing effect of rainwater. They penetrated directly or penetrated from the nectary of the fruit. After 3 to 4 days of latent period, lesions appeared. Contaminated lesions were generated on the lesions and repeated infections were repeated, resulting in aggravated condition and repeated cycles thereafter. After the fruit coloring period is met with heavy rain, the disease is extremely popular. Poorly drained orchards with low soil moisture are susceptible to disease. Before the coloring of the fruit, the disease rarely occurs. After the fruit is colored, it is susceptible to disease. The more mature, the more susceptible the disease is. Fourth, comprehensive prevention and control measures 1? Clear garden work, reduce or eliminate the pathogen: winter clearing of fallen leaves, falling fruit and trimmed down cranberries and concentrated burned. Each layer of ground lime slurry 15 ~ 25 kg, the disease early cut off the disease in time, sick ears. 2. Strengthen management: Improve ventilation and light transmission conditions as much as possible, remove excessively dense leaves, remove auxiliary tips in time, and appropriately increase the distance from the ground to the ground (more than 20 cm). Pay attention to the drainage work after the rain in the orchard to reduce soil moisture. 3? Chemical control: Immediately after the coloring period, after coloring, and during the coloring period, use 70% thiophanate WP 1000 times or 72% chlorothalonil WP 700 times or 50% WP WP 800 Double spray control.