Occurrence and Control of Rice Stripe Leaf Blight

Rice stripe disease is a viral infectious disease caused by the harm of the planthopper. The disease occurred sporadically in Jiangsu Province in the early 1990s. In recent years, it has become popular in Jiangsu Province. Especially in northern Jiangsu, it is particularly serious and has a tendency of widespread spread. Rice stripe leaf blight shows strong potential, heavy damage, and large losses. In general, the yield loss of field plots is between 20% and 30%, and severe plots will result in no harvest.
First, the onset of the onset of symptoms from the heart began to appear yellow-green stripes, gradually curling down the curve, dry plants gradually dwarf, leaves chlorosis, was green and white, and finally leaves fade and die.
Second, the incidence of the law It was observed that there are three clear peaks in the law of stripe leaf blight. The first peak period was in early July. The reason for this was that the seedlings were harmed by a generation of Laodelphax striatellus, and the plants that were killed brought the virus to Daejeon. The second peak period was from the end of July to the beginning of August. After the seedlings were transplanted into the field, they were damaged by the second generation of planthoppers. The third peak appeared in mid-August, which was caused by the third generation of nymphs and adult insects.
Third, the occurrence characteristics of different rice cultivation methods and different transplanting time, different varieties of disease severity. 1The live broadcast field focuses on the transplanting of plots; 2 the barley field is more important than the direct seeding field of wheat and bardy fields; 3 the early cropping plots are heavier than the late plotting plots; 4 the artificially transplanted plots are heavier than the machine transplanted plots; There are differences between varieties.
Fourth, agricultural control 1 Application of high resistance varieties: selection of disease-resistant varieties is the basic means of controlling the occurrence of stripe leaf blight, last year, my town to promote Yang Yan 9538 varieties, about 3,000 acres, the performance of disease resistance is not a field disease. However, the weakness of this breed is that it is not tolerant to fat and easy to lodging. It is not suitable for large-scale promotion. This year, our town decided to select a large area of ​​25,000 mu of disease-resistant varieties, Ningxian No. 1, and farmers with planting experience can match Yankee 9538 and other disease-resistant varieties.
2 Properly postponed sowing time: The sowing date had a greater impact on the occurrence of stripe blight, and the earlier the sowing date, the higher the chance of seedlings being vulnerable to SBPH. Therefore, the appropriate delay in the sowing period can significantly reduce the occurrence of diseases. Generally, the sowing period for dry farming is appropriate around May 15. Try to avoid the damage period of SBPH.
3 Adhere to the ridicule rotation system to improve soil fertility and improve the soil mass structure. It is understood that, as far as Luohe Town is concerned, since the land contracted to households in 1983, farmers have been planting rice, which has caused soil compaction, reduced fertility, and increased chemical fertilizer usage, leading to a vicious circle of soil and aggravated disease. In order to reduce the disease, three to five years after planting rice, other crops will be planted.
4 increase organic fertilizer, fertilize soil quality, appropriately control the amount of chemical fertilizers, pay attention to increase the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers and silicon fertilizer, promote rice robust growth, increase the resistance to disease.
5 Focus on removing the weeds around the garden. Weeds are an important site for migratory locusts. We must increase the eradication efforts of weeds in paddy fields and fields around rice fields. Remove the habitat of Laodelphax striatellus, truncate the parasite chains, and reduce the incidence.
V. Chemical Control 1 Chemical control is one of the important measures to effectively control the amount of fly hoppers and prevent transmission of poisons. It is necessary to adhere to the “control measures for the control of pests by cutting off the drug chain”. Adopt methods of controlling insects, protecting rice fields, treating paddy fields, protecting fields, pre-treating and guaranteeing the later period, and control the number of SBPHs to prevent the transmission of poisons.
2 Carefully prevent and control insect fly hoppers, effectively reducing the base number. Combining with the overall prevention and control of pests at the earliest stage of wheat crops, a new generation of Laodelphax striatellus was established, and a professional team was organized to prevent and control the planthoppers on the field of insects and the "four-sided" weeds. Pharmacological selection should be based on chlorfenapyr, dichlorvos, and their admixtures. When spraying, all plants and surrounding weeds should be sprayed to ensure control efficacy.
3 Take advantage of the prevention and control work in Putian and reduce the rate of transmission of poisons. From late May to mid-June, a generation of adults of Laodelphax striatellus migrated into Putian. After removing the film from the trampoline, it should be treated with a chemical immediately, and it should be controlled every 3 to 5 days. Can choose to use a good degree of pesticides such as aphid and other high-speed pesticides, such as mixed aldicarb to prevent and cure, transplant 2 to 3 days before getting up medicine, so that with drugs transplanting.
4 Control field hazards and reduce disease occurrence. After the rice was transplanted in mid-June, a generation of Laodelphax striatus migrated into the field. After the rice was planted, it should be immediately treated with drugs. After mid-July, combined with the prevention and control of other rice diseases and pests, the younger larvae of the second and third generations of Laodelphax striatellus were treated to reduce the occurrence of diseases.
Authors: Luohe Town Agricultural Technology Station, Rudong County, Jiangsu Province

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