High quality lily dry processing technology

The raw materials are preferred. Choose lily bulbs that are white, large, and tightly packed, and eliminate the "thousands of heads" (ie, the bulbs are small and numerous, the scales are small and the bundles are tight), and the insects, maculas, mildew, and reddened lilies are used; The hair roots were removed to remove dirt and skin aging flaps; the peeled flaps were divided into three grades: big, medium, and small. The selected lily fresh materials were then rinsed with fresh water for 2-3 times in the order of medium, small and large.
Processing points. Boiling water boiling: Graduate the washed lily petal into a boiling water pot and slowly stir it with a wooden board in order to cook it evenly. When steaming, the steam pressure in the pan is 2 kg/cm2. The appropriate time for hot cooking of lily flakes (timed with fresh ingredients in pot) is: about 40 seconds for large slices, 20 seconds for middle slices, and 5 seconds for small slices. Then, the hot lily petal can be quickly and flatly spread out from the pot and then flattened out in the pan at the end of the wooden frame. It is advisable not to overlap when leveling, in order to ensure that the lily is dried evenly and quickly.
Drying: After 15 gram/cubic meter of sulphur is used to decoction sulphur for about 2 hours, it can be dried by hot air drying. That is, first open the steam, and then open the fan, when the room temperature rose to about 70 °C, you must open the row of fans to tide, every 20-30 minutes to tide once, after two hours, according to the appropriate degree of lily wet and dry Tide interval time (interval 40-50 minutes is appropriate), drying room temperature must be controlled at about 70 °C (5%). Drying time is: large pieces of about 7-8 hours, about 5-6 hours in the film, small pieces of about 2-3 hours. After drying, the dried lily is scraped off by a natural draft to remove spots, wet tablets, coke flakes, and other grades that are mixed in. After screening and grading packaging, the lily can be put on the market.

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