Cotton boron fertilizer application technology

Cotton is a dicotyledonous plant. The amount of boron needed is greater than that of monocotyledonous plants. The amount of boron in the plants is high. The normal amount of boron per kilogram of plants is 20 to 35 milligrams, but less than 20 milligrams is insufficient for boron. From the seedling stage, cotton absorbs boron nutrients, which account for 45.4% of the cumulative total for the whole growth period. 69.55% of the boron absorbed by cotton is distributed in the reproductive organs.
Boron fertilizer can promote the growth and development of roots, increase the physiological function of roots, promote early growth of strong seedlings, increase the leaf speed of true leaves, promote the operation of carbohydrates in cotton plants, and coordinate the balance of growth and development of cotton plants, which is beneficial to cotton. Stable, long-term, premature, not prematurely, can effectively prevent the phenomenon of "bud without flower" in cotton, reduce the rate of shedding of the bells, increase the number of peaches per plant, weight of bolls, and lint, which can improve cotton quality and increase Fiber length and lint.
When cotton is deficient in boron, the growth of roots is blocked, the lower leaves become larger, the new leaves at the top become smaller, the petiole has infiltrated bands, the growth point of the main stem is damaged, the axillary buds are clustered, and the bud bells fall off, and the phenomenon of buds without flowers is serious. The corolla is shortened and difficult to spread, making it hard to grow into peaches, which seriously affects cotton production.
Cotton boron fertilizer application techniques are as follows: Boron base application. Every acre with 0.5 to 1 kg of borax and 2,000 kilograms of screened soil miscellaneous fertilizer or dry fine soil and spread in the soil, and then ploughing the soil preparation, and then sowing or transplanting nutrition.
For fertilizer. Each acre with 0.5 to 1 kg of borax and 2,000 kilograms of soil miscellaneous fertilizer or dry fine soil after mixing in the sowing or transplanting ditch, hole. Special attention should be given to Shihyun, avoiding contact with seeds, not dressing, not planting, or applying directly underneath the seeds so as not to interfere with seed germination and seedling growth.
Foliar spraying. Foliar application of boron fertilizer not only avoids the loss of leaching, but also avoids the direct chemical contact between boron and soil. It is the most economical and effective method of application. At the same time, fractional spraying better satisfies the need for boron at different growth stages of cotton.
Spray period. The best period for spraying boron fertilizer on cotton leaves was bud stage, early flowering stage and flowering boll stage.
Application amount. In general, 200 grams of borax per acre has the best effect on spraying 100 kg of water on the foliage.

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