New technologies for comprehensive prevention and control of major pests and diseases of edible fungi

First, the significance and principles of comprehensive control of pests and diseases of edible fungi:

Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests in edible fungi should follow the plant protection policy of “prevention-oriented, comprehensive prevention and control”, and use comprehensive technical prevention and control of agriculture, chemistry, physics, biology, etc., based on the selection of pest-resistant varieties and reasonable cultivation and management measures for prevention and control. From the cultivation layout of the whole mushroom, select some effective and practical control methods, complement each other, cooperate with each other, and make comprehensive use to form a complete organic control system to achieve the purpose of reducing or controlling pests and diseases. Hazardous losses are reduced below the economically allowable indicators to promote the healthy growth of edible fungi, high yields and high quality, and comprehensive prevention and control of edible fungi pests and diseases should be done in the following aspects:

(1) Do a good job in environmental sanitation and stop the source of insects and bacteria.

1. The inoculation room and training room must have special personnel responsible for cleaning, disinfection, regular inspections, and the discovery of contaminated bacteria immediately. They must not be lost anywhere.

2. The germination room and cultivation room should be thoroughly disinfected beforehand.

3, found that mushrooms, mushrooms should be promptly removed, picking the next mushroom, mushroom must be destroyed or buried deep, can not be lost in the mushroom room edge.

(B) improve the level of cultivation and management technology.

Improve the level of cultivation and management techniques to provide an ecological condition conducive to the growth and development of edible fungi and the breeding of pests and diseases. (1) Use pure, insect-resistant, disease-resistant and bacterial-age suitable strains, in a timely manner to ensure rapid growth after inoculation, strong growth, strong resistance to pests and diseases; (2) selection of high quality, no mildew, no insects Cultivation materials and culture materials should be reasonably proportioned and strictly sterilized and insecticided; (3) Inoculation should strictly follow the aseptic procedures to increase the yield, which can reduce the cost and reduce the source of diseases and insects. (4) According to the characteristics of edible fungi for scientific management, to create suitable conditions of temperature, humidity and ventilation, as far as possible to make environmental conditions beneficial to the growth and development of edible fungi, the development of diseases and insect pests and spread unfavorable; (5) in the cultivation and management process should be regular, careful and careful To carry out inspections, once pests and diseases are found, measures must be taken to control them in a timely manner to prevent the spread of the disease.

(III) Chemical control:

Mushrooms do not promote cooperative pharmaceuticals, especially during the fruiting period. Edible mushrooms have a short cultivation cycle and are eaten directly. Pesticides can easily remain in fruiting bodies. In the cultivation process, when pesticides must be used, care should be taken: (1) Cooperation with highly toxic pesticides is strictly prohibited, and pesticides that have a long residual effect period, are not easily decomposed and have irritating odors cannot be used directly on the bed of bacteria or bacteria; (2) try to use high efficiency, Low-toxicity, low-residue, harmless agents for humans, animals, and edible fungi, and appropriate concentrations for proper control.

(4) Biological control

In theory, the use of biological control is the best, because it does not pollute the environment, there is no residue, edible fungus production area is small, easy to control artificially, and more conducive to the application of biological control technology. However, due to the short production cycle of edible fungi, the difficulty is greater. At present, useful agricultural antibiotics prevent and control bacterial viruses. Application of bacteria increases the disease resistance, yield and quality of edible fungi. Parasitic nematodes are used to control flies, ticks and eye mosquitoes. Therefore, it has broad application prospects in the future control of pests and diseases of edible fungi.

Second, the main disease prevention technology of edible fungi

According to reports of more than 100 species of edible fungi, the most common and more harmful species of bacteria are mainly Trichoderma, Streptomyces, Mucor, Aspergillus, Penicillium, and bacteria.

(a) Trichoderma:

Trichoderma commonly known as green mold. It can harm almost all edible fungi, and its damage to edible fungi is as follows: (1) The pollution culture material competes with edible fungi for nutrition and space; (2) Secretin kills and kills the host; (3) When the mycelium of trichoderma touches the host mycelium The host mycelium wound and cut off.

Prevention methods: carry out comprehensive prevention and control work. (1) The culturing room and cultivation place should be kept at a low temperature, the relative humidity of the air should be controlled at about 85%, and be kept clean and well-ventilated; (2) In the event of the occurrence of trichoderma, immediately ventilated and dehumidified, the early stage of bacterial infection, 2% aldehyde can be used. Solution or 3% - 5% injection of carbonic acid inhibits the expansion of Trichoderma. Some infected and mature bacteria barrels can be used to excavate contaminated parts, and lime powder or lime sulfur or Bordeaux mixture etc. can be applied to the treated parts. It can also be treated with fungicides such as carbendazim, application of protection and thiophanate-methyl. If 50% carbendazim 1000 spices can prevent the occurrence of Trichoderma, but it should not be used in Hericium, edible fungus, white fungus on carbendazim.

(B) Trichoderma

Streptomyces spp., commonly known as pinkish pink disease and red baker's mildew, is a common germ in the production of edible fungi and can contaminate all edible fungi. It is a tenacious, fast-growing mold of airborne fungi. An orange-red or pink mold layer forms.

Control methods: try to avoid hot, humid summer high temperature production, pay attention to doing a good job of environmental health. Once the orange-colored massive conidia cluster appears, carefully wrap it with a damp cloth or wet paper, immerse it in the liquid or bury it deeply, and do not use a sprayer to spray the bacteria directly to prevent spores from scattering. Formaldehyde, kerosene, or diesel, and then bandaged with a film, can kill mold. After the fungus is infected, the infected bacteria bag can be buried deep in 30-40 cm poorly ventilated soil. After 10-20 days of anoxic treatment, the disease can be alleviated. Sterilizers such as carbendazim and Shi Bao Gong can control the growth of Trichoderma spp.

(c) Aspergillus and Penicillium:

Aspergillus commonly known as yellow mold, green mold, black mold and so on. There are many types of Aspergillus. The colony of Aspergillus niger is black loose fruit-like; Aspergillus flavus is yellow, yellow-green, and finally brown green; Aspergillus niger is gray-green after the first white; Penicillium, its many species, colonies are gray-green, yellow-green or blue Powdery mildew layer. Aspergillus and Penicillium are common bacteria. They compete with edible fungi for nutrients and water, and secretoryin inhibits the production of edible fungi.

Preventive measures: to strengthen the ventilation of the culturing room, lower the temperature, and reduce the relative humidity of the air can reduce the damage. The local occurrence can be washed with 5%---10% lime water. Other control methods can refer to the control of Trichoderma.
Third, the main pest control technology of edible fungi

(a) Edible fungus:

Anthraquinones are the main group of edible insect pests. They are commonly known as bacillary strains. They feed edible mycelium and fruit bodies directly from Ruojiao and Chengyu, causing no post-sowing, or occurrence of “fungi” phenomenon after germination, and The culture material turned black and decayed, hyphae shrunk, and fruiting bodies had concave spots and withered leaves. If the mushroom (ear) roots, can affect the mushroom (ear), resulting in fruiting body rot and deformity, and some can spread bacteria and pathogens. There are many types of earthworms in edible fungi, and there are two kinds of pests, ie, pampas grasshopper and whitefly. Pupae are small in size, melon seeds, light yellow or dark brown, and are not easily visible to the naked eye. They are mostly clustered on the material surface or soil particles or fruit bodies. They resemble “soil powder” and are scattered. Shines, does not form a group, the quantity becomes powdery for a long time.


1. Avoid bacterial strains when introduced.

2, do a good job in environmental sanitation, reduce bacterial contamination.

3, timely treatment of bacteria bottles and cultivation materials.

4, with 1.8 Aifuding or its compounding bubble water 2000 --- 3000 times spray.

(b) Bacteria

The bacillary dysentery is the general term for diptera insect larvae that harm edible mushrooms. Its adult people are usually called mushroom fly, mushroom mosquito, and mushroom borer, and each category includes many types. They feed on the mycelium and fruit bodies of various edible fungi with maggots, and spread pathogenic bacteria. When the damage is serious, they directly affect the production of edible fungi.


1, mushroom house doors and windows should be installed screen door, to prevent adults from flying into the spawning.

2. Eliminating rubbish around the mushroom house and lime in the room.

3. Spray 1% of the 847 pesticide (cypermethrin and phoxim) into the four walls of the mushroom house, the ground and the bed frame, or smoke with sulfur (5 g/m3), sealed for 48 hours, over 1 ---2 days into the bag.

4, pharmaceutical control useful 1.8 Aifante 2000 --- 3000 times or 5% Ruijinte 1500 times spray.

IV. Names of banned chemical pesticides

According to the notification regulations of the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Health, high toxic and high residual chemical pesticides that are banned on vegetables, fruit trees, tobacco leaves, tea and other crops and edible fungi include methamidophos, insecticidal carbofuran, omethoate, and 66. DDT, methyl 1605, 1059, Suhua 203, 3911, monocrotophos, phosphoamine, zinc phosphide, aluminum phosphide, cyanide, ammonium fluoride miller, arsenic, net ulcer, cobalt chloride, hexachloro Phenol, 4901, chlordane, toxamol, Xi Lisheng and all tribute preparations.

Goji Berry ( [Goji" means [happy") , also called wolfberry, has been used for thousands of years by herbalists in China to protect the liver, help eyesight, boost immune function, improve circulation, and promote longevity and overall well being. It has only recently gained popularity in the west, it has become so polar, in fact, the Time Magazine recently named the Goji berry as [super-fruit" of the year. A big reason why Goji berries have quickly become a favorite nutritional supplement is that its impressive list of ingredients. The Goji berry, also called the wolfberry, is a bright purplish red or purple red berry that comes from a shrub that is native to China. In Asia, goji berries have been eaten for generation in the hope of living longer.    


Organic Goji Berry

Organic Goji Berry,Organic Red Goji Berry,Organic Black Goji Berry