Eggplant cut leaves five look

The growth potential of eggplant is generally very strong, which can easily lead to plant growth, fruit drop, fruit color deterioration, and reduce eggplant quality and yield. Cutting the leaves can effectively inhibit plant leggy and improve eggplant quality. A look at the variety of cut leaves. For varieties with strong branching and luxuriant foliage, such as Fengyan No. 1, six-leaf eggplant, and nine-leaf eggplant, etc., they can be cut more; For varieties with poor branching ability and sparse foliage, such as Beijing Xiaoyuan and Lujie 1 No., Tianjin beef heart eggplant, etc., should cut or not cut leaves. Second, see the potential to cut leaves. Plants with excessive density, luxuriant growth, and severely shaded foliage can be cut in order to keep the leaves sparsely and evenly, which is conducive to ventilation and light transmission. Plants that are relatively thin, have normal or weak growth, and have good ventilation and light transmission can be cut less or not. Three to see the leaves cut leaves. In the process of cutting leaves of an eggplant, it is necessary to cut only the part of the plantar side and retain the middle and upper leaves; cut off the harmful leaves of the insects and pests, and retain the normal growth leaves; cut yellow and rotten leaves, and retain strong green leaves. Four to see the weather cut leaves. When the weather is dry and less rainy, there will be less shearing or not cutting the leaves. In rainy areas and rainy seasons, more leaves should be cut. Five look fertile cut leaves. Fertile soil or large amount of fertilizer, and more nitrogen fertilizer should be cut leaves; soil thin or fertilizer is not enough, and mostly organic fertilizer or phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be cut with fewer leaves.