Quality Protein Maize Cultivation Techniques

Compared with ordinary corn, quality protein corn should pay attention to the following points when it comes to cultivation: I. Isolate planting: The land for planting high-quality protein corn in production must be isolated from ordinary corn, generally separated by 300 meters, and not allowing them to cross each other. If a large area of ​​continuous planting, isolation is almost the same, the impact is not great. Second, the choice of hard or semi-rigid hybrids: the use of hard or semi-rigid hybrid endosperm, ear rot disease, high yield. III. Seed treatment: For prevention and control of diseases, seed selection, drying and 25% triadimefon wettable powder or 50% carbendazim wettable powder should be applied before seeding, 0.2% of the seed amount, or seeds. Amount of 2% coating agent No. 13 coating. Or use "green wind 95" 500 times liquid soaking, all have the effect of preventing disease and increasing production. Fourth, carefully sowing, broadcast all seedlings: high-quality protein corn kernel structure is relatively loose, easy to mold, young shoots top earth power is also poor, sowing too deep, poor lyrical, soil compaction, etc. will cause lack of seedlings broken ridge. Therefore, it is necessary to fine-tune the land before planting, so that no waste, no consolidation, moderate public opinion. The depth of sowing is 3 cm to 5 cm. It can prevent and control underground insects in time to ensure full seedlings. Fifth, to strengthen field management: quality protein corn kernels are more glutinous, seedlings growing weaker, so the application of fertilizer on the basis of early recovery of seedling fertilizer, heavy stalk gestation and panicle fertilizer, make up attack granules. At the same time, timely weeding, weed control, pest control, timely irrigation and drainage. 6. Timely harvesting and proper storage: When the quality protein corn matures, the moisture content of the grains is higher than that of normal corn. Pay attention to timely collection of the sun to prevent mildew. Choose sunny harvest, even after the receipt of a few days, dry ears after threshing, so as not to damage the skin and embryo. When moisture drops below 13%, store it in a dry warehouse. During storage, due to good palatability of high-quality protein corn, easy to attract insects, rats damage, we must always check and do a good job of prevention and control. Conditions can be smoked before the warehouse to prevent warehouse pests.