Arch shed pumpkin cultivation points

Western pumpkin commonly known as small red squash, small gourd, is a cucurbitaceae. Due to its high starch content, it is both sweet and noodles, meaty and flavourful, and it is among the best in pumpkins. Here's a look at the high-yielding cultivation techniques of small shed pumpkins in early spring for reference.

Choose the best species. Should choose good quality, beautiful appearance, bright skin, sweet taste, melon-shaped neat varieties. Such as Dongsheng, Jin Hongsheng and other breeds cultivated by Taiwan farmers' company.

Soil fertigation. Planted plots should be selected for fertile soil with deep soil, loose texture, good air permeability, and easy drainage and irrigation. During the spring plowing in mid-March, 1,000 kg of dry chicken manure and 50 kg of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium ternary fertilizer were planted in Mushi.

Timely colonization. The ploughing and fine soil clods were used to make the planting quail. The short vines had a back width of 0.6 m, a mulch with a width of 0.8 m, a long vine type with a back width of 0.8 m, and a mulching film with a width of 1.0 m. Long vines have a density of 750-850 plants, a row spacing of 1.8 meters, a plant spacing of 0.45 to 0.50 meters, a short vine density of 1300 to 1500 plants, a row spacing of 1 meter, a plant spacing of 0.45 to 0.50 meters, and then The hole is pressed by a hole in the hole and covers the film. The film is compacted with soil on both sides.

Field management. The suitable temperature for vegetative growth period is 20-25°C, and the suitable temperature for flowering is 25-27°C. If the temperature is too high or too low, it is not conducive to growth. When the temperature in the arch shed is higher than 28°C at noon, it can be released. For long vine varieties, double vine pruning should be used, while short vines should be allowed to grow. For every vine of long vines, 1 to 7 leaves of the cucumis will be melons, and the melons before the 7th leaf will be removed. The first melon brought out by the short vine variety must be removed, and then leave 2 melons per plant. There are generally bee sources, and there is no need for artificial pollination in good weather with wind pollination. Otherwise, pollination should be artificially assisted. When there is no dew on a sunny day, the male flower is removed, the petals are removed, and the anthers are gently applied to the head of the female stigma. One male flower corresponds to two female flowers. After pollination, male flowers or leaves are used to cover female flowers to prevent rain. When the melon is stable with a goose size, topdressing is about 30 grams per compound fertilizer. When the melon grows to 0.5 kilograms, the second fertilizer can be applied according to the conditions of soil fertility. When encountering dry weather, it can be poured 2 times in the extension period and fruit expansion period.

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