Analysis of reasons for flocking

Causes of flock defecation Analysis of chickens In normal conditions, the feathers are plump, shiny, and colorful. At the same time, the feathers are closely attached to the skin of the body, which plays a good role in heat insulation and can effectively prevent body heat. Distribute. The feathers of chickens have to be replaced three times from hatching to sexual maturity. This is a normal physiological phenomenon, but non-physiological de-feathering often occurs during the production process, which seriously affects the growth of chickens and the production performance. Some of the causes of depilation are analyzed below.
1 Diseases Gout diseases such as gout, aflatoxin poisoning, sodium bicarbonate poisoning, clostridium botulinum toxin poisoning, chronic infectious diseases, and tumor diseases can all cause de-feathering, but parasitism caused by ectoparasites is the most common. For example, when a bird suffers from plume disease, the plumes and feather twigs are incomplete or fall off. When a chicken suffers from knee rickets, it causes skin irritation, redness, itching, and the feathers become brittle. Due to the itching of the parasite, the chicken often bites the feathers of the affected area. When it is severe, the feathers are almost completely delustered. They are usually found on the skin of the back, buttocks, abdomen and wings. The chicken crown disease can cause feathers on the head and body of the chicken. Pieces fall off and the skin is thickened with wheat bran-like scales. In addition, the parasitism of chicken fallopian tube parasites, can also cause the chicken feathers off, especially found in the abdominal feathers off.
2 The influence of temperature on feathers is particularly evident in management. In the turn of autumn and winter, if the temperature suddenly becomes low and the heating is not able to keep up with it in time, or in the cold winter, the heating conditions in the house are so poor that the temperature in the house is too low, which can cause the birds to defecate. And there is a sharp drop in egg production. At the same time, the temperature of the chicks during the brooding process is too high, and the chicks will not grow long hair on a large area of ​​the body for a long time. % m. Z. C I6 y# u
Once obstacles occur in the drinking water system, it will result in prolonged water cuts. The chickens will fall off with this severe stress, accompanied by a drop in egg production or an outbreak of other diseases. In addition, poor ventilation, long-term stimulation of the flock by harmful gases; or too strong light, density, humidity, etc., can cause chickens to feed themselves or other chicken feathers, resulting in severe delirium Common feathers on the tail and back fall off.
3 Nutrition
3.1 Protein and Amino Acids Protein content in chicken feathers is as high as 90%, and keratin protein accounts for 85% to 90% of protein. When the content of protein in the feed is insufficient, the growth and development of the feather can be seriously affected, resulting in the occurrence of de-feathering. Of particular note is that when sulfur and sulfur-containing amino acids are deficient, they can directly affect the synthesis of keratin, the main component of feathers. This causes nude disease in chickens, especially laying flocks, and even delays after systemic hair loss. Can't grow.
3.2 The content of minerals such as zinc, calcium, selenium, arsenic and iodine in the feed will affect the growth and development of feathers, and some may even cause disease. When the chicken body is deficient in zinc, the performance of the feathers is slow, the texture is poor, and the feather ends are easy to wear. In severe cases, the main wing feathers and tail feathers are all worn away. The daily content of calcium is prone to overdose, interferes with the absorption and utilization of zinc and copper, causes secondary hair loss and skin lesions, and is consistent with zinc and copper deficiency symptoms. When the content of selenium and arsenic in the feed is high, it can cause chronic poisoning in the flock, and the performance of tail feathers is chaotic and easy to hair removal. Selenium poisoning can cause body plume, starting from the head and the back of the nape, gradually spreading to the hindquarters, and the feathers flaring off. This is the main feature of selenosis. In addition, iodine deficiency or excessive iodine can cause feather growth and defeathering.
3.3 vitamin feed vitamin content itself is less, coupled with high temperature, humidity and other external factors are easy to cause the decomposition of vitamin failure, it is easy to lack of vitamin deficiency. When the birds lack biotin, feathers appear dry, brittle, and fall off. In the absence of folic acid, feathers appear to be fragile, faded, and fall off. Pyridoxine, nicotinic acid, pantothenic acid, and the like are also lacking, and dermatitis symptoms and depigmentation can also be caused in the whole body.
4 Preventive measures
4.1 Control the occurrence of diseases Strengthen management, formulate scientific and reasonable immunization procedures and implement them effectively and efficiently, which can effectively prevent the occurrence of chronic infectious diseases and poisoning diseases. Strengthen the work of sanitation and epidemic prevention, regular disinfection, not only to disinfect once outside the house once a week, but also to adhere to the sterilization of chickens twice a week, which has a great effect on the purification of the environment and the prevention and treatment of ectoparasites.
4.2 Guaranteed feed nutrient balance During the growth of feathers, the sulfur-containing amino acids should be adequately met. The ratio of cystine, methionine, and sulfate in the diet should be 50:41:9, and the sulfur content per Ls feed should be 2.3-2.5 mg. At the same time, it should also meet the other nutritional needs of chickens, especially vitamins, minerals and other trace elements in the nutritional balance, to ensure that feed nutrition can fully meet the needs of chickens. )
4.3 Strengthen feeding and management By improving facilities such as heating, ventilation, cooling, and lighting, improve the responsibility of the keeper and ensure that the temperature inside the house is maintained within the range of 10 to 25°C. In the cold winter, under the premise of ensuring the temperature, increase the ventilation as much as possible to achieve ventilation and reduce the humidity. In the hot summer months, we can start the wet curtain cooling system and increase the ventilation volume in order to maximize the wind speed and reduce the temperature. At the same time, in the daily management work, the flock should be observed at any time and the flow of the drinking water system should be ensured to ensure that sufficient and good-quality drinking water is supplied to the flock throughout the day, and the drinking fountains should be kept clean. In addition, the density should be appropriate, the light can not be too strong and so on. Only in this way can you avoid the stress caused by temperature, humidity, ventilation, drinking water, light, etc. to the flock, and you can avoid the phenomenon of de-feathering.

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