Ten Mistakes of Consumers on Food Safety

Misunderstanding 1: "preservative-free" food "natural"

Although there is no preservative, it does not say that it does not contain other food additives. Antioxidants, flavors, colorings, coloring agents, fresheners and the like are all possible inside. In other words, the absence of preservatives does not guarantee that it is in a "naturally pure" state.

Myth #2: Foods without Artificial Colors are Safer

Although foods do not contain artificial pigments, they are still pigments, but these pigments are not synthetic pigments, but are extracted from natural raw materials. For example, carotenoid extracts, monascus pigments, and purplish red pigments are all pigments derived from natural foods. Relatively speaking, natural pigments can be eaten with confidence, but in the extraction process, it does not rule out trace amounts of organic solvent residues.

Misunderstanding 3: "MSG-free" food is reliable

Western-style products often have "no MSG" instructions, which seem to be relatively healthy foods. However, the absence of monosodium glutamate does not mean that it does not contain sodium glutamate, but it does not mean that it does not contain artificial stimulating ingredients. These are not much worse than monosodium glutamate. So consumers who are allergic to MSG, or have restrictions on the sodium content of foods, should be careful to buy.

Myth 4: Pesticides threaten food safety

Insecticides in pesticides have the greatest impact on humans. Because of the different harvesting methods, pesticide residues such as cabbage, radish, and cabbage are relatively small when harvested at one time. However, continuous harvests such as tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers will have relatively large residual amounts.

The easiest way to reduce pesticide residues is to wash the vegetables under running water. Because pesticides are left on the surface of vegetables, they can be removed.

Myth 5: Pure natural foods are health foods

The safety of food cannot be judged by whether it is pure or not. There are also organisms that are naturally toxic or produce toxins in nature. For example, fresh beans, lily, and konjac are toxic without heating.

In fact, there are very few natural edible foods. It is precisely because of advances in processing technology that humans have made many inedible natural substances processed into safe foods.


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