Jujube flowering management key technology

The jujube tree has a long flowering period, a large amount of flowers, and consumes a lot. In addition, the flower bud differentiation and the fruiting branch and fruit setting are synchronized at this time, and the nutrition competition is very fierce. Therefore, strengthening the management of jujube flowering, supplementing nutrition and regulating the contradiction between vegetative growth and reproductive growth can lay a solid foundation for high yield and stable production of jujube trees. Specifically, we should grasp the following tasks:

First, flowering topdressing is generally conducted in late May. Topdressing is mainly available nitrogen fertilizer and appropriate amount of phosphate fertilizer. Generally, 0.5 kg of urea and 0.5 kg of ammonium dihydrogen phosphate are applied to each tree. After the fertilization, the flower water is poured and the soil is loosened.

Second, open armor generally in flowering period (in mid-June), when the flowering amount takes up 30% to 50% of the total number of buds, the promotion of young trees is recommended. The first time the armored tree is placed on the trunk 20 to 30 centimeters from the ground, the area of ​​the open armor will move 5 to 10 centimeters annually. When the first main branch is reached, the above operation is repeated. The width of the mouth is 0.3 to 0.6. Centimeter is appropriate. The width of a strong armor tree should be wide and the weak tree should be narrow. When it is cloudy and rainy, it can be appropriately widened by 0.1 to 0.2 centimeters, but the width should not exceed 1 centimeter. After opening the armor, attention should be paid to the protection of A mouth. Every 1 week or so, apply a 100 to 200-fold solution of the insecticides such as Levospen. The slow healing process of A mouth is smoothed with mud, which is both insect-proof and moisturizing, which is beneficial to Healing. Kai Kao can also be used with new technology to promote the use of Kao 2, the use of time is about 20% of jujube bloom when using the first time, wait 30 to 35 days before using the second time.

Third, the new shoots topping in mid-May to late June on the branches of the jujube do not do a new branch of the first branch, the second branch in time to pick the heart, control the development of growth, reduce nutrient consumption, improve the fruit setting rate. Normal mature tree jujube heads grow to 2~6 secondary branches and pick the top heart. The second branch grows with the heart. The 3~4 secondary branches at the base of the jujube head grow to the 5~7th section and pick up the heart. 1 to 4 secondary branches grow to 3 to 5 knots. The degree of topping is determined by the growth of the jujube head and the size of the space in which it is located. Generally, the weak branches focus on the topping of the heart, and the strong branches will lightly pick the heart. When the space is large, the heart will be lightly picked and the space will be weighed again. During this period, in addition to taking away the heart, it is also necessary to eradicate the jujube whose germination has no use value and remove it from the base as soon as possible, and eliminate the perennial branches with dense internal organs to save nutrients and facilitate ventilation.

Fourth, spray three spray one is spray fertilizer. Spraying fertilizer is carried out in the flowering stage of Zaosheng. Spraying the mixture solution of 0.3% urea + 0.1% -0.3% of potassium dihydrogen phosphate + 0.2% -0.3% borax 2 to 3 times in a row is sprayed successively every half month. Choose sunny morning or evening spray, especially the evening spray is appropriate, the amount of spray fertilizer to the degree of wet foliage, if the rain should be sprayed after spraying. The second is water spray. Choose to spend 60% of the flowers in full flowering time, the best time in the evening, with a sprayer evenly sprayed water on the jujube, water to wet the leaves for degree. The number of water sprays depends on the degree of drought. In normal years, it is sprayed once every 3 to 5 days, and sprayed 2 to 3 times. Severe drought can be sprayed 3 to 5 times. Third, spraying plant growth regulators. In the early flowering period of jujube trees to flowering stage, choose sunny morning or evening spray 15 ~ 20 mg / l gibberellin solution or 15 ~ 20 mg / l naphthalene acetic acid or sodium naphthyl acetate dilution or 5 ~ 10 mg / liter of 2 , 4-D1 ~ 2 times, young fruit spray 30 ~ 60 mg / l of Tiaoacetic acid or 30 mg / liter of 2,4-D twice (with interval of 20 days), can effectively prevent its falling.

V. Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests Flowering duration The diseases and pests of jujube include mainly green-lipped stink bugs, nail beetles, red spiders, peach borerworms, jujube rifles, and date rust. Before and after the wheat harvest is the best period for the control of spider mites. It can be sprayed with 1% zinc sulphate 5000 times liquid or 15% broom squeezing oil 2500 times liquid. In mid-May and mid-June, the critical period for the prevention and control of the second generation of green-lipped iridescent elephants is to spray 1 or 2 times 20% of the swamp 2000 times, or 20% cyanomethoxate, on the trees and under the trees. 2000 times liquid + 10% imidacloprid 3000 times, can also hang black light trap adult. In the middle and mid-June, peach-sucking moth-eaten traps were hung, and the peach moth was used to attract moths to peak after 5 to 7 days. In the middle of July and mid-August, spray each time a germicide (200 to 240 times the amount of Bordeaux mixture and 50% carbendazim WP 800 times, 70% thiophanate-methyl WP alternating 1000 times) Prevent date rust and fruit diseases.

Six, flowering bee beehive is about 300 meters away. During the period of bee-keeping, Zaoyuan is forbidden to spray penicillin, pyrethroids and other pesticides harmful to bees.

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