Seven Key Technologies to Grasp the Potential of Laying Hens

In order to give full play to the genetic potential of chicken breeds, increase their egg production, and obtain the best economic benefits, we must grasp seven key links in production management.
Raising the tidy degree of reserve chickens to raise the success of reserve chickens, the uniformity of which is an important indicator. Small differences in body size, flock development, sexual maturity can be synchronized, in the future to open the production time can be consistent, the peak egg production is also high. In the management, efforts are made to increase the uniformity of the chicks. In addition to scientific management in aspects such as temperature, humidity, feed, density, and immunity, it is necessary to pay attention to keeping strong and weak chicks separately and strengthen nutrition for weak chicks.
During the broiler chicken stage, the chickens are managed according to the needs of most chickens in the flock and individual differences within the flocks are minimized as much as possible.
First of all, the stocking density should be moderate, and the environmental conditions caused by the excessive breeding density should be eliminated. The average material level and water level of the chickens should be insufficient, which affects the uniformity of the broiler chickens.
Second, according to the weight of timely grouping, divided into three groups of large, medium and small groups, to carry out the necessary restrictions on feeding overweight groups, for small groups of people are reasonable feeding, in order to reduce the difference between the whole population, to achieve the neat production of weight.
Reserve chicken body weight is one of the important indicators to measure the growth and development of spare chickens. The development of bones is closely related to the egg weight and egg shell strength of the hen in the future. In the management, the average body weight and skeletal development of the opening chickens can be achieved at the same time is an important sign of body maturity. Different chicken breeds have their own standard weight. When they are overweight, they have poor sexual performance. The development of bones is expressed in terms of length. The body weight is up to standard and the length is not up to standard, indicating that the body has excess fat, which directly affects the egg production and shell quality. The principle that should be mastered when adjusting body weight is to adjust energy based on the satisfaction of protein, and when the intake energy is high, the weight gain is accelerated. Therefore, in the breeding process, it is necessary to measure the body weight and length from time to time, and take appropriate feeding and management measures, in order to make their body weight and length in the opening can be at the same time.
The control of sexual maturity, sexual maturity, and early and late sexual development are related to the environment and heredity. Reasonable lighting is an important measure to control sexual maturity. Normal layer chickens are sensitive to light stimulation after 12 weeks of age and can promote sexual maturity. In the production, we should pay attention to the development of a scientific and reasonable lighting program, so that the chicken's body maturity and sexual maturity can be synchronized to ensure the full play of the potential for production. Special attention should be paid to the timely use of light-controlled maturation before and after opening, and when to prolong the light duration to promote sexual maturity should be based on the 18-week-old or 20-week-old blood test. If the body weight is met, it should be extended by 1 hour per week from 18 weeks of age or 20 weeks of age until it is constant at 16 hours. If the 20-week-old body weight is still not up to the standard, the supplemental illumination time will be postponed one week later, and nutrition will be enhanced at this stage to promote the body weight.
Egg production period strengthens scientific management
1. Guaranteeing the most suitable temperature range Production practice shows that 13-23°C is the most suitable temperature range for chickens to produce eggs. Excessively high or low temperatures will affect the chicken's egg production rate and egg shell quality. Cold and warm work.
2. Indoor Ventilation Ventilation Good ventilation and ventilation can play a role in sewage discharge and temperature and humidity adjustment, especially in large-scale intensive chicken farms. Ventilation and ventilation play an important role in digging potential of chicken egg production. effect. According to the specific circumstances, natural ventilation and mechanical ventilation can be carried out. In winter, the weather is changeable, the temperature is low, and the egg production rate of the hens is prone to flickering. Under the premise of keeping warm, the air in the house should be well regulated, which can be performed at high temperatures from 11am to 2pm. Ventilation, pay attention to vents staggered to prevent drafts.
3. Reasonable lighting program Illumination can stimulate the pituitary gland to secrete reproductive hormones and promote egg production. The principle of illumination during the production period is that the illumination time should be longer and not shorter, and the light intensity can not be weakened, so that the hens can start production at the right time and reach the peak of egg production, and give full play to their egg production potential. Artificial light or natural light combined with artificial light according to the specific circumstances, the entire production period should be strictly enforced.
4. Comprehensive health and epidemic prevention measures Care should be taken to maintain the cleanliness and hygiene of homes and the environment. Wash basin sinks and feeding tools are often washed and regularly sterilized to prevent epidemics.
5. Reducing Stress Factors Any sudden change in environmental conditions can cause frightening chickens, causing stress, resulting in loss of appetite, reduced egg production, and production of soft shell eggs. In addition to taking targeted measures to reduce stress, it is necessary to formulate and strictly implement scientific broiler house management procedures, including lighting, ventilation, feeding, water supply, and food replacement.
Feeding management after the peak period of egg production
1. The key part of the management after the peak period of egg production is to implement restricted breeding to prevent the hens from being over-fat and affect the performance of laying performance, so as to ensure that the egg production in the middle and later stages is good. The specific method is to limit the feed when the egg production rate drops by 4 to 6 percent after 3-6 weeks after the egg production peak, and the trial consumption is combined with the production curve during the feed restriction process to prevent the egg production rate from being reduced due to the material reduction. Drop quickly. Consider the increase or decrease in feed intake based on weight changes. The specific determination of feed intake must also consider the effects of seasonal factors.
2. Select sick chickens in time When feeding or observing chickens, chickens with poor mental health, crown white or purple, and legs that cannot stand should be picked out in time to prevent them from dying in cages.
3. To prevent "prone to premature aging" for a long time to maintain egg production peak, the body appears "negative balance", weight was significantly reduced, resulting in early chicken hair removal, especially hair removal in the cold season is more serious. In view of this situation, on the one hand, we must adjust feed nutrient levels to prevent “premature waning”. On the other hand, we must also strengthen the rearing and management of laying eggs to avoid the premature end of the laying cycle.
We must always adhere to the principle of prevention and treatment in order to grasp the epidemic diseases of laying hens during the laying period. However, various immunizations have been basically completed before the start of production. After laying hens enter the laying period, especially during the peak period of egg production, The intake of nutrients is mainly used for egg production and weight gain. During this time, it is not appropriate to vaccinate and deworm. Some people believe that winter temperatures are low, viruses and bacteria are spawn less, disinfection of chicken houses is neglected, and diseases such as E. coli, salmonella, infectious rhinitis, and Newcastle disease occur. Therefore, we must pay attention to disinfection. Because of the cold weather, drinking water must be disinfected so that there will be a stable egg production rate in the winter.
Strengthen the management of the egg production period to prevent the occurrence of diseases, try not to use drugs, once the disease should be careful medication.
Strictly grasp the quality of diet
1. Avoid moldy feed and poor quality additives.
2. Feed the full price of ingredients according to the feeding standards of the chicken species to ensure that the nutrition is adequate and reasonable.
3. The adjustment and transition of the diet should be reasonable. Factors such as temperature changes in production and feeding at the stages all need timely adjustments to the nutrient composition of the diet. For example, during the cold winter, the energy feed is appropriately increased to lower the protein content. During the phase of raising the chicks in the breeding period to the stage of growing chickens to the stage of laying eggs, the diets requiring different nutrient components are gradually transferred. All dietary composition adjustments must be carried out gradually and avoid sudden changes.

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Yirun Agricultural Cooperative ,