Health and dietary help

Pregnancy and childbirth can make great changes in the face and body of the mother, such as the face will grow beautiful spots affect the appearance and so on. In fact, as long as careful care, you can let the body rest as quickly as possible and quickly recover.

Pregnant women have long postpartum

Zhao Lihua, professor of traditional Chinese medicine at the Ren Ai Branch of the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangxi College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, introduced that the posterior part of the pigmentation is the most prominent and symmetrically distributed in the nose and the two cheeks. It is shaped like a butterfly and is also called a butterfly spot. It is due to the placenta after pregnancy. Produced by the increase of estrogen and progesterone production, also known as pregnancy spots. Due to individual differences, different pregnant women have different spots.

Zhao Lihua said that most of the secretion of estrogen and progesterone in the body after birth can be restored to the normal equilibrium state before pregnancy. Most people's spots on the face will naturally reduce or disappear. Once the mother has appeared facial stains do not have to worry too much, in the future you can use health therapy to eliminate stains.

Qi nourishing

Chinese medicine practitioners believe that the appearance of spots on the skin is related to blood loss or poor blood circulation, and it can be supplemented with Qi and promote blood circulation and nourishing blood. Zhao Lihua introduced that, first of all, the most important thing is “invigorating the spirit and keeping the patient safe”, that is, maintaining a happy mood, adequate sleep, only emotional reconciliation, unobstructed patency, smooth air delivery, and liver tracts to make the blood run. Reduces pigmentation.

Second, in the postpartum period to avoid direct sun exposure to the skin, reduce the stimulation of melanin. Eating more foods containing vitamin C in the diet (such as tomatoes, oranges, oranges, oranges, watermelons, etc.) can enhance the skin's antioxidant capacity, inhibit the conversion of metabolic waste into colored substances, thereby reducing the production of melanin.

In traditional Chinese medicine, traditional Chinese medicines such as nourishing blood and Qi, such as angelica, Codonopsis pilosula, and radix astragali, stew old chicken and mutton, boosting qi and activating blood and beauty. At the same time, eat less greasy, spicy food, avoid tobacco and alcohol, do not drink too much coffee, wine and other spicy foods and drinks. In severe cases, it can be treated with traditional Chinese medicine to reconcile the qi and blood, thereby dilute the stain.

If the effect of the internal treatment of the diet is not obvious, it can also be combined with internal and external methods of Chinese medicine treatment, such as the purpose of acupuncture and facial scraping. With the stimulation of the acupoints, qi and blood circulation can be achieved faster, and the pure Chinese medicine mask reduces skin allergies and eliminates spots on the face.

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