Cultivation Techniques of Cucumber Rainfall Arches in Summer and Autumn

First, cultivation arrangements 1, grafting cultivation, enhance resilience. The scion was selected from Mariana, a Dutch breed with strong heat resistance, or from a treasure, and black-skinned pumpkin was used as the rootstock. Sowing in mid-April, planting in mid-May, harvesting from June to October, the yield per acre can reach more than 7000-8000 kilograms, and about 1500 grains of cucumber and black seed pumpkin seeds are required. 2, to avoid rain cultivation, to create the best growing environment. Using a dome-shaped canopy with a top membrane to prevent rain damage and strong light from directing the blade to age. Second, cultivation techniques 1, nursery (1) bed soil preparation. Fully composted compost and fertile garden soil mixed in a 2:1 ratio and added bactericide to disinfect the bed soil. It can be mixed with 50% carbendazim WP and 50% methine WP in a ratio of 1:1 per cubic meter bed. About 200 grams of soil blend evenly. (2) sowing. In a rainproof arch shed, cucumber seeds were sown in 128-well trays, and black-skin squash were sowed in 8-cm 8-cm bowls. In order to promote germination, moderate watering should be done, and the temperature should be maintained at about 28°C. Note that the pumpkin moisture should not be too much or it will germinate badly. (3) Management after germination. Slowly cool down after germination, increase lighting, strengthen ventilation, prevent leggy. When the high temperature encounters strong light and dry air is encountered due to air release, the cotyledons are easily injured. The grass cover is moderately covered on the shed to allow the seedlings to see the light green. (4) Grafting (butting). On sunny days, avoid rainy and cold days. It is advisable that the true leaves of the cucumber have a size of 0.1 to 1 yuan. Cut into the depth, the rootstock pumpkin 1/2, cucumber 2/3, nutrient bowl first into bed soil, irrigation, cover film, insulation. Grafting methods are used for grafting. (5) Management after grafting. After grafting, ensure that the ground temperature is about 25°C, and the daytime temperature is about 27°C. On the second day, when the grafted seedlings are not wilting, increase the lighting as much as possible. The ventilation should be performed from the top of the arch shed, and do not urgently ventilate. About 7 days after grafting, when it was confirmed that the hypocotyls of the cucumber were not festered or wilted, the cucumber hypocotyls were cut off after another two days, and the sticks were inserted and the grafted seedlings were fixed with a plastic string. (6) The management of late nursery. When the leaves of the seedlings are in contact with each other, the spacing between the nutrient pods should be increased to ensure good lighting and ventilation. Watering is carried out before 10:00 a.m. in the morning, and the amount of water should be relatively dry at night. (7) Nursery days. From 30-35 days after sowing, true leaves were colonized with 3.5 leaves. 2, colonization. (1) Planting density. Large row spacing is 1.4 meters, small row spacing is 0.8 meters, and the spacing between the rows is 0.6 meters. (2) Fertilization and soil preparation. In the first half month of planting, 5000 kg of rot fertilizer was applied per mu, and 75 kg of three-element compound fertilizer was applied. After carefully ploughing and leveling, it was used as a north-south sloping high ridge with a ridge height of 20 cm and a ridge width of 30 cm. (3) cover the film. The planting sites were selected in a large shed with a top membrane to prevent raining. When the soil moisture is suitable, cover with black and white mulch to prevent excessive surface temperature during the summer. (4) scaffolding, hanging nets. After covering the film, an elliptical arch is erected over a large row of ridges. The height of the arch is 2 meters. After fixing, a thin wire mesh is stretched on the surface of the frame, and the mesh surface is stretched. The lower corner and the corner are tightly fastened with ropes. (5) Colonization. Colonization should be carried out on a warm and windy morning, and ensure that the ground temperature is above 17°C. Before the planting, the inside of the bowl was fully watered, and after the planting, the amount of holes was poured to make the seedlings closely contact with the soil to promote smooth root growth and growth. 3. Management after definite value (1) Removal of lateral collateral and female flowers. When true leaves reach 10 or more, the lateral branches below 6-7 are removed 2-3 times. Female flowers below 6 knots should be removed early. Premature nectars weaken the sturdiness, and the result of the main branch is better from verse 8. (2) Pruning method. Since cucumbers are formed at festivals, it is necessary to increase the number of sections in order to increase production. At the same time, in order to facilitate the lighting of the leaves and side branches, reasonable pruning should be carried out so that the branches and leaves can be efficiently drawn to the net. Because the spacing between the plants is 70 cm, 1 seedling leaves a main vine, if the side branches are left 1-2 topping, the middle side of the lateral growth is easy to weaken, so to stay 1-2 long strong side branches long. When the main branch reached the top of the arch, it took care of it. Sun Man will also have to prune early to prevent mutual obscuration. Because the growth point of the lateral branch is closely related to the growth and development of the root, in order to promote the expansion of the root, 3-4 robust young lateral branches are often left on the plant. Do not pick up too much at once. In addition, when the growth is strong, it will strengthen the heart-picking, and when weak, it will control the picking-up. (3) Picking leaves and picking fruit. Picking leaves: The yellow leaves and diseased leaves are removed at any time. The leaves are healthy but the new leaves that cover the side branches are also removed. One leaf should not be picked more than three at a time. If more than one leaf needs to be picked, it must be removed at the same time to prevent the growth from weakening. Fruit picking: As the result of the increase in the burden of the plant, the deformed melons such as curved melons will occur, so these melons should be removed when the young melons are removed to reduce the burden on the plants. (4) Dressing and watering. After the start of harvesting, topdressing is carried out in 10 days as a stage. Each time the amount is about 2 kg (nil) of nitrogen per acre, it is advisable to avoid a large amount of topdressing, and it is advisable to use a small amount several times. When the female flower matures a lot, the period when the harvest is increased and the main branch is topping up requires more fertilizer. The color of the new leaves becomes lighter and the top buds of the lateral branches become smaller as the performance of lack of fertilizer. It is necessary to apply fertilizer early. Appropriate application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers during the growth period. Watering immediately when fertilizing, pay attention to the amount of water should not be too large, to see the dry see the soil is appropriate, but also pay attention to drainage during the rainy season. (5) Cover wheat straw. Covering wheat straw in the high-temperature rainy season can prevent splashing in the rain, maintain soil moisture, prevent weeds, etc. Because of the premature overheating, the weather must be covered. Third, pest and disease control. Diseases and insect pests of cucumbers occur in conditions of high rainfall and high humidity, and overgrowth of the stems and leaves and overburdened results and weak plant growth can aggravate the occurrence of pests and diseases. Therefore, the following basic prevention and control measures should be taken: (1) Adopting open ditch , dark ditch and high ridge cultivation to facilitate drainage. (2) The mulch covers and covers wheat straw to prevent rain splashing. (3) Perform proper pharmacy by performing appropriate pruning and leaf extraction, increasing ventilation and light transmission. (4) The use of the drug should be carried out at the early stage of the occurrence of the pest.