Why do lentil leaves hit and roll?

Question: Some peas grown on their own farms suddenly found that some leaves began to curl up and curled. The color of leaves did not change or it was green. What happened to this situation?

A: This phenomenon may be caused by the damage of lentils, which are commonly referred to as soy bean leaf worms. They mainly harm soybeans, kidney beans, kidney beans, lentils, red beans, and other legumes. They are one of the major pests of legume crops. . The following measures should be taken:

After the clean field crops are harvested, the deciduous and fallen leaves of the field should be promptly removed, concentrated and incinerated to reduce the number of insects and the number of overwintering larvae.

Manual killing In the early stages of pests, check the upper leaves of the bean plants and bring them out of the field for centralized treatment or to kill the larvae inside the leaflets.

In the period of occurrence, chemical control began when the bean plants with 190 to 290 had the danger of leaf rolling, and they were controlled every 7 days to 10 days, and they were continuously controlled twice. The pesticides that can be used are 2.5% chrysanthemum emulsifiable concentrate 3000 times, 10% beta-cypermethrin 2500 times, 20% cypermethrin 1500 times, 48% orthorax emulsion 1000 times or 30% acephate emulsion 1000 ~ 1500 times liquid, spray control.

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