The Prevention of Weak Light in Shed Vegetables

Most vegetables require strong light conditions. However, in winter, especially in cloudy and snowy weather, the light is weak. Vegetables not only can not carry out more vigorous photosynthesis, and transpiration is also reduced accordingly, plant growth is delicate, affecting the yield and quality of vegetables. For example, the function of tomato pollen is declining and infertility under low light conditions; the appearance of short inflorescences of eggplants affects the pollination; the malnutrition of loofah, watermelon and other plants are caused by falling flowers and fruit. People call this phenomenon “light hunger” and their symptoms are low light.
Symptoms Diagnosis of greenhouse vegetable cultivation often occurs due to lack of light and low light symptoms. The general symptoms are poor plant growth, stalks are soft; leaves are thin, light in color and tend to yellow; poor flower bud differentiation, abnormal floral shape, serious drop and fruit drop. The fruit grows slowly, light in color, astringent, and poorly colored.
Preventive measures are mainly to improve lighting conditions in the shed as much as possible.
One is to increase the row spacing and reduce shading between the plants when planting; to maintain the cleanliness of the shed film, to prevent water droplets and dust from adhering to the membrane surface, and to increase the transmittance of the shed film.
Second, when the temperature outside the greenhouse reaches 15°C in the late and mid-afternoon of vegetable growth, some of the shed films are properly opened to let the sun shine directly onto the shed.
The third is the use of reflective screens. The use of polyester aluminum film spliced ​​into 2 meters wide, 3 meters long reflective screen, hanging in the back wall of the plastic greenhouse upper end, hanging down to the ground, the ground can increase the light intensity of 40% to 43%, so that the temperature of the greenhouse 3 °C ~ 4 °C, the ground temperature increased 1.8 °C ~ 2.9 °C, the fruit quality has improved.
The fourth is to lay a silver-gray film. The silver-gray film or aluminum foil on the ground can increase the light intensity among the plants, make the fruit color well, and prevent premature decay of the lower leaves of the plant.

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