Simple and practical insect removal tips

The amygdala kills the locusts. The dried almonds are chopped, diluted with 5 times water, and the residue is removed with a fine gauze. Second, in the original liquid against the amount of water, and mixed with a little detergent, spray evenly after mixing. Third, due to the active ingredient in almonds, organic sugars and hydrogen compounds are very volatile, so the original liquid should not be stored for a long time, should be used with the use, and the efficacy will drop sharply after 30 minutes. Fourth, take a few cotton swabs soaked in the almond liquid, and then insert the basin soil, cover the plants with a plastic bag to seal the whole, and move the flower pots to the sunny place for 30 minutes for fumigation, not only will improve the fleas effect, It can also kill other hidden pests. Ginkgo leaves treat red spiders to take 25 kg of newly picked Ginkgo biloba leaves, add the same weight of water, put it in a bucket and soak for 5-6 days, and then put it into a woven bag to squeeze out the original juice, then add 2 times the amount of fresh water, and then spray it. Vegetables have an effective rate of more than 90% for the control of red spiders. Rice vinegar with water in addition to radish pests to prevent the spraying of pesticide residues on the radish, can be used 2 liter vinegar, against 200 liters of water, sprayed on the radish leaves, soon, the cabbage leaf moth, locusts and so will Go to the ground and eat it by ants. Insects that have not been eaten may climb on the leaves three days later. At this time, they can spray the edible rice vinegar solution on the leaves, but they cannot spray the leaves. Otherwise, the leaves will harden.