Non-pollution and high-yield cultivation techniques of grape in sunlight greenhouse

First, the choice of species. Based on the principles of early maturity, large grain size, bright color, and high yield, select varieties that require low cold, short dormancy, easy flowering, and good resistance. With Jingxiu, Jingya, Jingyou, Phoenix 51, Jingna, 8611, 8612, Victoria, Xianke No. 1 and other varieties are better. Second, planting seedlings. 1, site preparation. In early April, 80-100 cm wide and 60 cm deep planting ditch, Mushi quality compost 5,000 kg of manure, mixed appropriate amount of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, mixed and backfilled, irrigated with water. 2, planting density. Different planting densities are used depending on the type of planting. A small scaffold is planted on a one-line east-west single line at a distance of 1m from the front slope. The spacing is 0.6-0.7 meters away from the east-west wall and 1-1.5 meters away from the east-west wall. The dragon-shaped pruning inclined scaffold is used to climb from south to north. A space of 40-50 cm is to be set aside from the roof; single-arm fences are to be planted in the north-south direction, with spacing of 0.6-0.7 meters and 1.5 meters. 3, shaping. Long stem-shaped: In the year of planting, only one robust new shoot per plant was cultured as the main vine. The new shoots are ready to mature in early August. The top 1-2 apical shoots leave 4-6 leaf toppings, and the secondary secondary shoots at the rest of leaf axils are left 1-2 leaf toppings. The main vines in winter cuts are cut short by 1.5 meters, and the cut thickness is required to be 0.8. Above centimeters, all the auxiliary tips are cut off. After the second year of buds germination, the main vines are removed under the new shoots of 50 cm or less, and a result branch is left on each side of the main vine at intervals of 20-30 cm. The main vine remains at the tip of a new shoot to continue to grow. During winter cutting, the extension branch is left with 1-1.5 m cuts, and the remaining shoots are left with 2-3 buds shortly truncated to result in mother branches, generally forming in 3 years. Multi-mandible free-sector: The multi-dominant free-sector plastic pruning is generally adopted in the cultivation of the fences, that is, 2-3 main vines per plant are selected, and 3-4 arbors are selected for each main vine, after entering the result period Each winter cut uses two branches to update. 4, trim. Wiping shoots shoot tip: the amount of stay should be based on the yield. General greenhouse grape production is controlled at about 1,500 kg. About 10 cm from the bud to the new shoot is staged. Mainly removed too strong and weak branches, wiped off rebirth branches, too dense branches, generally 1 to 10 square meters of small scaffolds to stay 10 to 12 new shoots, 1 square meters of scaffolds to stay 15-18 new shoots, The amount of tipping is about 2500 per mu. After the tip is fixed, it must be tied in a timely manner to reasonably occupy space. Topping: The shoots are picked up 5-7 days before flowering. The result was that the branches remained 6-8 leaves in the inflorescence, and the development branches left 8-10 leaves topping. At the tip of the new shoot, a secondary shoot of 2-4 leaves is repeatedly topping and the inflorescence is removed from the secondary shoot. The inflorescence has left both leaves and leaves for 1st and 2nd leaves. This will not only increase the effective leaf area and produce nutrients, but also effectively prevent secondary damage. Grade secondary shoots germinate and cause tree nutrient loss. Ear management: Before flowering, leave a panicle in front of the sturdy branches, remove the redundant inflorescences on the principle of not leaving spikes in the middle and weak branches, go to the deputy panicle one week before the reservation of inflorescences, and transfer 2-3 branches of the big branches on the main panicle. Spike tips go 1/5-1/4. Fruit swelling and pulverization, leaving the size of the same fruit, usually 40-50 grains per panicle can be. Winter Shear: In early November, after falling leaves, it will be carried out before the shed. Long stem pruning dragon dry control to 4-5 meters, when the new shoots left 2-3 buds short cut into the results of the mother branch, dragon dry on the birth of 20-30 results mother branch. Wedge-shaped pruning retains 2-3 main vines per plant, winter stalks each culm on the left to retain 3-4 results of the mother branches, 1 square metre frame results mother control in 6-8. Third, temperature and humidity management 1, temperature control. Generally in mid-November, the tarpaulin is covered with paper quilts and grass rakes so that no light is seen in the greenhouse. The temperature is kept below 7.2°C and above -10°C. This will increase the amount of low temperature without causing freezing damage to the grapes. In mid-January of the following year, the curtains began to heat up. After warming up, it takes more than 10°C to accumulate an effective accumulated temperature of 500°C. Generally, it can germinate 30-40 days after warming up. Note that the temperature should not be excessively fast, and the temperature and ground temperature should be increased as much as possible to avoid causing uncoordinated growth above and below ground. The pre-embryonic temperature is controlled at 5-7°C during the night and 30-32°C during the day. The germination-to-flowering temperature is controlled at 10°C or more at night, and is controlled at about 28°C during the day. The flowering temperature is controlled at 15°C or more during the night and is controlled during the daytime. 25-30 °C; fruit enlargement to coloring temperature control at 15-25 °C at night, controlled at 28-30 °C during the day; coloring to maturity temperature control at 15-20 °C during the night, during the day at 25-30 °C. In the early days, when the air is released, the skylight is mainly used to open the skylight, and the upper air inlet is not the main air. Afterwards, with the increase of the outside temperature, the temperature inside the shed is prone to high temperature, and the bottom wind can be put. In mid-May, when the exposed air temperature was stable above 20°C, the paper was gradually withdrawn, grasshoppers, and edge membranes, and the fruits were withdrawn after the harvest. 2, humidity control. From the bud to the display of inflorescence should be fully watered, the humidity controlled at 80% or more to ensure that the buds are neat; the inflorescence stretching period is properly controlled irrigation, the humidity is controlled at 70%; flowering to fruit setting requires a relatively dry environment, humidity is controlled at 55-65% It is beneficial to increase the fruit setting rate; the air humidity during fruit enlargement to coloring period is controlled at 60-70%; the air humidity during the coloring to mature period is controlled at 65%. Fourth, soil and fertilizer water management 1, fertilization. Basal fertilizer: generally used in early autumn. 5000 kg of high-quality composted manure per acre, 100 kg of superphosphate and potassium sulfate were mixed, and the mixture was mixed and backfilled. Top dressing: Top dressing is carried out in 3 times, nitrogen fertilizer is used as the main fertilizer, and 15 kg of urea is applied to Mushi; the fruit fertilizer is applied when the size of soybeans is used, and 20 kg of special fertilizer is applied to the Mushi plant; the colored fertilizer is mainly P and K, and the general Mushi is applied. 15 kg of superphosphate plus 15 kg of potassium sulfate. In addition, a number of foliar fertilizers can be applied during the growing season to mainly spray the leaves of the stems and leaves and backs of the leaves. The application of borax 1.5-2 kg in the winter or flowering leaves and inflorescence spraying 0.2-0.3% boric acid solution 2-3 times can significantly increase the fruit set rate. Iron-deficient blocks can be sprayed with 0.1%-0.2% ferrous sulfate 2-3 times. 2, irrigation and soil treatment. Greenhouse grapes should not be over-watered. Generally, they should be combined with fertilization and irrigation. The water should have a reservoir and be heated first and then watered so as to prevent the low temperature from adversely affecting the root system. The pool is covered with plastic and covered with a transparent film to prevent moisture evaporation from causing excessive humidity. Soil moisture management in the greenhouse should be adapted to the different growth stages of the grapes. More water is needed during the germination period, and the water should be irrigated during the warming and germination period to facilitate budding. The temporary suspension of water during flowering is beneficial to fruit setting. After fruiting, the young fruit begins to grow and can be filled with small water every 10 days or so. The fruit enlargement requires a large amount of water and should be poured 1-2 times. The coloring period until the fruit is harvested is to control the water, which is beneficial to the promotion of coloration. After harvesting, the deciduous period each irrigated once. Every time you fill the water, you must loosen the soil. During the dormancy period of grapes, as long as the temperature in the greenhouse can be kept above -10°C, it does not need to be buried and kept cold. If you cannot meet the requirements must be buried, generally covered with 10-20 cm thick grapes that can safely winter. Fifth, pest and disease control. In order to achieve pollution-free production requirements, the use of highly toxic and high-residue pesticides should be prohibited, and microbial pesticides, plant-derived pesticides, animal sources and specific pesticides, and inorganic or mineral pesticides should be used. When using chemical pesticides, high-efficiency, low-residue pharmaceuticals should be used. From the bud to the leaf stage, spray it once to kill the chlorinated dilute 2000 times liquid thrips; before spraying the mancozeb zinc WP 800 times or thiophanate-methyl 1000 times to control gray mold, cob brown Blight, blackpox disease, fruit development control of powdery mildew, downy mildew, white rot and aphids, cockroaches, scale insects, etc., available frost urea manganese zinc, NPK 120, Polaroid, Liuyangmycin , eliminate eucalyptus pine, moth cricket spirit, worm light, green copper and so on. Sixth, light and gas regulation. The utilization rate of sunlight in the greenhouse is only 60-80% of that in the open field. Grapes belong to hi light fruit trees. Snow and dust in the shed area must be cleared in time to increase the light transmittance. As early as possible to cover the straw cover late cover, extend the lighting time, to ensure the lighting effect. Can also be used in the north wall of the shed, ground suspension, laying reflective film, chandeliers fill light. The addition of CO2 gas fertilizer in the greenhouse has obvious effect of increasing production. The assimilation of the grape in the morning is strong, and CO 2 - 3 hours can be applied after sunrise. But to control the concentration, rather low not high.

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