Main technical measures to reduce yak mortality

I. Scientific and prompt midwifery to ensure mother and child safety
1. The confinement personnel shall make predictions of the expected date of production, enter the perinatal period and enter the delivery room for production, observe carefully, and prepare for the delivery of consignments if there are precursors for delivery.
2. If the amniotic fluid has not been produced within 1.5 to 2 hours after the rupture is difficult to produce, the midwifery should be implemented immediately. If there is no midwife experience, please quickly ask the veterinarian and experienced person for assistance.
3. After the baby is born, quickly wipe the mucus around the nose and mouth, or pour the yak to allow it to flow out, avoid breathing into the lungs, and cause suffocation.
II. Strengthening Nursing Care for Newborn Calves
1. As soon as possible within 2 hours after birth, the yak should allow the yak to eat enough colostrum, and do a good job of keeping the cub warm and cold.
2. Disconnect the umbilical cord from the yak belly 10 to 20? Extruded mucus in the umbilical cord to wipe dry blood, fully sterilized to prevent infection.
3. Manual feeding should be regular, quantitative, constant temperature (37 ~ 39 °C), cavity yak milk drink speed and ensure adequate clean drinking water.
4. Do a good job of early feeding of calves and weaning them smoothly.
III. Strengthening disease prevention and prevention, prevention of diseases such as infectious diseases and digestive tract diseases
1. Pay attention to hygiene, proper exercise and grazing to enhance yak constitution.
2. Do a good job of vaccination and deworming and actively treat diseases.
IV. Strengthening cow feeding and management
1. A dry milk period of 60 days should be guaranteed before delivery of the dairy cows to meet fetal developmental needs and recovery of the cow's physical strength.
2. During the dry period, it is necessary to limit the feeding of silage and energy feeds, and increase the amount of concentrate, green and fine materials to prevent cow edema and excessive fetal output.
3. Pay attention to calcium and phosphorus balance and appropriate supplements such as sodium chloride and other trace elements.
In short, only good husbandry and management, scientific supply of rations can make cows healthy, and the new calves are robust.

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