Keep your baby away from Qiuzao's 7 secret recipes

How to keep your baby away from Qiuzao?

Moist air anti-nasal nose

When the surrounding air is dry, the baby's nasal mucosa is easily inadvertently ruptured due to the lack of ability to regulate the moisture and the superficial blood vessels in the nasal cavity.

Tip: Do not allow your baby to develop bad habits of picking your nose and blowing your nose. When the child is sleeping, the quilt should be placed under the chin to keep the nose open and allow the baby to breathe more fresh air. The baby's room can moisten the air with a humidifier or floor. And pay attention to the amount of vitamin C supplements and other preparations. When the nose bleeds, the baby should immediately sit down or lie down. Parents can use the thumb and forefinger to press on the sides of the child's nose, and after a few minutes, gently release the finger and the nosebleed can be mostly stopped. Or keep your baby's head upright and place sterile laps or clean tissue into the bleeding nostrils, but do not insert too deep. At the same time with cold water Pat baby's neck, you can also use a small ice pack cold. If it is serious, you should go to the hospital immediately.

Diet balance anti-inflammatory

If a child develops symptoms such as flushing, cramping, chapped, smashed, scabbed, and easy bleeding, and sometimes even eating and talking are affected, the child is said to suffer from angular cheilitis, commonly known as the "bad mouth corner."

Tip: Pay attention to the balance of your diet and strengthen your nutritional supplements. Let children eat more foods rich in B vitamins, such as animal liver, meat, eggs, milk, soy products, carrots, fruits and fresh green leafy vegetables. Care should be taken to protect the child's facial skin and lips. After eating, wipe your mouth in a timely manner. Do not allow your child to use his tongue to lick lips and mouth, or to peel dry skin from his lips. Eat less snacks and do not rub his fingers. Prepare a lip balm for your child. After each meal, wipe the mouth, then apply a lip balm and apply it once before going to bed.

Drink white water to prevent constipation

In the summer, the baby usually has poor appetite. In the fall, various delicious foods can make your baby's appetite open, but eating high-protein foods that are rich in nutrients can make the baby’s gastrointestinal burden heavier and prone to bad breath and constipation.

Tip: Give your baby plenty of boiled water every day, so that the reabsorption of faecal water in the colon is reduced and the feces can be discharged smoothly. In addition, yogurt, carrots, apples, bananas, corn, sweet potatoes and other foods also help to facilitate the defecation of the baby over the age of 1 in the fall.

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