Identification and Control of Common Wilt Diseases in Chili Field

Among the many diseases of chili, the plants exhibiting wilting diseases mainly include pepper blight, bacterial wilt, and root rot. In recent years, the occurrence of these diseases has become increasingly serious. The number of diseased fields has reached more than 50%, and the incidence of severe disease fields has reached as high as 90%, seriously affecting the yield of peppers. For this purpose, we will introduce the following symptoms and prevention methods for the occurrence of several wilting diseases in pepper fields. First, the symptoms of the disease identification 1. pepper jaundice can be the incidence of the entire growth period, the most severe disease after fruiting, especially after heavy rain or irrigation water, the weather is fine, the temperature rises, the disease plant leaves bottom-up Wearyness, recovery at night, after the wilting during the day lengthened, wilting is getting worse, the ability to recover at night is getting worse, and finally the whole plant withered, leaves fall off. The site of the disease is mainly 2 to 3 cm above the neck, and the boundaries between the disease and health are obvious. If there is a long lesion on one side, the side of the plant is wilting; if the disease is around the base of the stem, it is dark brown, and the lesion is sunken or slightly curled. The whole plant leaves wilting from the bottom up. A flocculent layer develops on the lesion when wet. The disease produces dark brown spots on the stems and shoots. The branches and leaves above the strips quickly slough off. In general, flat cropping, heavy planting, or excessive planting density, poor ventilation and light transmission between plots, and plots of water in the fields are more serious. 2. Pepper Blight (also known as bacterial wilt disease) After heavy rain or flooding, the weather is suddenly clear, the temperature rises sharply, and soil moisture is high, which can easily contribute to the epidemic. At the beginning of the disease, only the branches of the branches wilted, and then quickly expanded to the whole plant. The disease duration is short, the leaves do not fall off after the whole plant has died, and the appearance of the diseased stem is not obvious. In the longitudinal stem, it can be seen that the vascular bundle becomes brown; the fresh diseased stem cross section can overflow milky mucus under moisturizing conditions. The disease occurs mainly in the critical period of flowering and fruit setting. In general, soils with acidic soils, low-lying land, continuous cropping sites, and heavily polluted lands all contribute to this disease. 3. At the initial stage of the root rot of pepper (commonly known as rot disease), the leaves and shoots of the plant are wilted during the day and recover at night, and the entire plant withered after repeated days. Examination of the roots of the diseased plants was light brown to dark brown, rotted, easily stripped, and exposed dark xylem. The diseased area is generally limited to the rhizome. The disease occurs after the colonization of pepper to the initial fruit set, generally high temperature, high humidity is conducive to the spread of the disease, continuous cropping, low-lying land, clay land, head to the heavy head. Second, control methods 1. Selection of disease-resistant varieties of anti-epidemic varieties available Zhongjiao 6, Zhongjiao 12, Henan pepper No. 5; resistance to bacterial wilt varieties Zhongjiao 6, Zhongjiao 13, Xiangyan 1 Number, Xiangyan No. 2 and so on. 2. Seed treatment Seed soaked in warm water of 25 ~ 30 °C for 7 ~ 8 hours, then immersed in 1% copper sulfate solution for 5 ~ 10 minutes or 1% sodium hypochlorite solution for 10 minutes, remove and rinse with water repeatedly After germination. 3. The nursery bed disinfection is mixed with 40% pentachloronitrobenzene DP and 50% thiram WP in the same amount. 8 grams per square meter of seedlings are mixed, and 10 to 15 kg of dry soil is added. Spread 1/3 of it on a seedbed and cover the seeds with the remaining 2/3 of the pesticide after sowing. 4. When the central diseased plant is found in the field, it is necessary to spray the base of the stem or liquidize the root with a liquid in time. When the liquid is poured, it should be cleaned first, then exposed to the base of the stem and then sprinkled. 58% available for frost control? Manganese Zinc WP (Raydoer Mn Zn) 500 times or 72.2% Promase AS (Plex) 800 times, 72% Manganese Zinc? Cream Urea WP (Ke Lu) 300 times, 25% Metalaxyl WP 800 times. For the control of bacterial wilt, 72% of agricultural streptomycin sulfate SP4000 or 77% of copper hydroxide WP (killed) 600 times can be used. Root rot can be used 50% carbendazim WP600 times or 50% thiophanate-methyl SC (methyl thiophanate) 500 times; 50% thiram WP500 times. The above liquids should be used alternately. Generally, 0.5 kg of each liquid is used for irrigation, once every 8 to 10 days, and irrigation is performed 2 to 3 times. Author: Hebei Province Xinle Agricultural Technology Center Plant Protection Station

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