How to prevent rice greenery and premature aging?

Rice gluttony refers to the fact that the leaf color of rice is not faded at the later stage of growth and leaves the leaves dark green and the leaves are tender. The cause of greediness is due to the excessive supply of nitrogen in the middle and late periods, which increases the number of invalid deliveries. Nitrogen is an important component of chlorophyll. Excessive nitrogen at the later stage leads to strong nitrogen metabolism and reduced accumulation of carbohydrates. As a result, empty grains increase, and grain weight drops. Rice gluttony tends to be late, and early rice will affect the post-season crop planting. If late rice is vulnerable to low temperature, it will cause particles to be lost. The greedy green rice leaf is drape, and it is easy to fall down after heading and is susceptible to pests and diseases. Therefore, late-stage application of nitrogen fertilizer in rice should not be excessive. Premature aging is the premature decline of leaf function before the late immature rice leaves, or even death. The cause of premature aging of rice is mainly due to lack of fertilizer in the later period, premature water shortage, or too deep irrigation at the late stage, which will seriously affect rice yield. In addition to the early decline of rice and the characteristics of varieties, pests and diseases, there are phenomena of premature aging. Therefore, to prevent premature aging, we must first close planting; Second, in the fertilization technology should be promoted steadily, the rice failure caused by premature aging in rice, when the earing can be given Granule fertilizer or root dressing, such as 1% to 2% urea or 2% superphosphate Third, for the soil with poor viscous weight and poor permeability, we should adopt dry and wet irrigation method in the later period to prevent early water cut off. When rice grows up, it encounters low temperatures or typhoons.