High-yielding Cultivation Technique of Autumn Watermelon

In recent years, with the continuous adjustment of agricultural planting structure, the production of autumn watermelon in Zhejiang Province has achieved certain development, and explored a feasible way for the development of efficient agriculture. Autumn watermelon can supply the "Mid-Autumn Festival" and "National Day" double-section market, but its growing season is in the high temperature and rainy season, the plant growth is weak, the ability to resist adverse, poor pests and diseases, production is difficult, must take the appropriate supporting technology Measures can achieve high quality and high output.
1 Select good varieties of autumn watermelon should be selected resistant to disease, moisture, high temperature, strong growth, early maturity of the fine varieties, such as early spring ruby, take bit, Xiaolan and so on.
2 Cultivate strong seedlings
(1) sowing: autumn planting watermelon should be sown from late June to July, if the sowing is too late, the result is delayed, the late temperature is low, will affect the watermelon enlargement and maturation.
Choose a high-dry, well-ventilated plot for the seedbed and use a nursery to grow seedlings. Two to three days before sowing, green hengheng 1 and carbendazim were used to sterilize nutrient soil. Seeds soaked with seeds are sowed in a nutrient bowl. Seeds of 1 é’µ 1 are laid flat, covered with nutrient soil of about 1 cm, and covered with a net, etc., to keep the soil moist and ensure the humidity required for seed germination. Guarantee the whole seedlings.
(2) Seedbed management: A shed is placed on the seedbed to cover the 22-mesh gauze to prevent aphids to reduce the occurrence of viral diseases. Cover the film in time before the storm to prevent rain from entering the seedbed. In sunny weather, the shading nets on the beds should be shaded to prevent them from being exposed to the sun.
20-30% of the top soil of melon seeds will be removed in time after emergence. Watering should be controlled during the seedling period to keep the soil dry and wet so as to facilitate hair rooting and avoid leggy growth. Strengthen the prevention and control of disease and insect pests at the seedling stage, aphids, Spodoptera littoralis, etc. can be used to prevent and cure pesticides such as imidacloprid, chlorprofen, etc.; viral diseases such as virus A and virus K can be used for prevention and treatment; Spray control.
3 Daejeon preparation
(1) Guatemala selection: Autumn watermelons can cause damage to wilt disease. We should choose fertile soil, high dry terrain, loose soil, convenient irrigation and drainage, and land plots for melons that have not been cultivated in recent years. Water planting autumn watermelon.
(2) Soil preparation and fertilization: Former plowing, deep plowing and ditching, applying 1,000 kg per acre for composting and then applying 50 kg of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizers, and then leveling and flouring. Generally more than 20cm high, 2.8m wide, surrounded by deep trenches to be dredging to facilitate rapid drainage after the rain, so that the soil can have a suitable humidity and good ventilation.
(3) Covering the mulching film, covering the white mulch with rice straw, spreading the soil on the both sides of the ridge, and keeping the film close to the ground, and then cover the 2-3cm thick straw on the mulch, which can not only prevent the damage of weeds, but also play a role in drought It can moisturize and dry the skin and reduce the cracking of fruits or fruit.
(4) During the growth of autumn watermelons during the construction of sheltered watermelons, severe weather such as typhoon and rainstorm is more frequent. Shed shelters should be used in greenhouses or small and medium-sized arch shelters to prevent rainstorms and water accumulation in the fields to prevent soil moisture from passing through. Large, to reduce the occurrence of diseases, conditions can be isolated around the greenhouse insect pest isolation gauze, reduce pest occurrence.
4 The colonization of watermelon planting in the autumn is shorter, the seedling age is 12-15 days, and the seedlings with 2 leaves and 1 heart are suitable for colonization. The use of climbing cultivation, the density of 500-700 acres. Before planting, nutritional water should be poured into the bottom water. When planting, it should be done as little as possible without damaging the roots. The nutrient soil should be flat and tightly bound with the surface. The peripheries of the guava seedlings should be covered with fine soil to avoid burning the seedlings at high temperature. Root water.
5 Field Management
(1) Temperature management If the temperature is too high during the early growth period of autumn watermelon, the shade roof should be shaded with appropriate shading and the temperature in the shed should not exceed 35°C.
(2) Reasonable pruning When the main vines are 4-5 leaves, topping, when the vines are 15cm or so, select 2-3 vines with better growing vines, remove the remaining vines and retain the vines before the position of the melons. Sun Man after the election to stay. Can also be used on a main side of the three-vine pruning method, that is, leaving the main vines and 2 vines, the remaining cranberry in the main vine when the first female flower was removed, the son vines before the removal of the Sun vine.
(3) Protecting flowers and protecting melons When the female flowers are left in the designated position, artificial pollination is performed at 7:00 to 9:00 in the morning. Select male flowers that were opened on that day, remove the petals, and apply the male flower pollen to evenly spread the stigmas of female flowers. The amount of pollination should be large. Generally, each male flower grants 2-3 female flowers. Immediately after pollination, pollination dates are marked on pollination nodes. In case of adverse weather such as high temperature, continuous rain, etc., when the pollination rate is low, plant growth regulators can be used to promote fruit setting.
When melon eggs are large, choose to stay in melons. Usually choose to leave the second melon, while removing the malformed melons, leaving 2-3 melons per plant, using melon pads or straw pads to prevent fruit from touching the ground to infect the disease. Second, in order to prevent the sun from being exposed to the sun, from the late fruit enlargement period to fruit ripening stage, the melon leaves and straw were used to cover the melons.
(4) fertilizer and water management: autumn watermelon growth period is short, strong nutrient growth, fruit development is poor, should strengthen the regulation of fertilizer and water. Principle of fertilization: Before flowering and fruit setting, it is mainly controlled, with little or no application. After the young cucumber is stable, 20-30kg of fast-acting compound fertilizer can be applied per acre; plant dynamics of melon expansion is 2003, potassium dihydrogen phosphate, etc. are alternately sprayed. On the surface, it is appropriate to spray at 17:00 to 18:00 in the afternoon and once every 10 days; watering and fertilization should be stopped 10 days before the picking of the watermelons; after the first batch of melons are harvested, if the melons grow well, they will be strengthened. The fertilizer and water management can enable the plants to continue flowering, and the second batch of melons can be harvested at a later period when the temperature is not too low.
From July to September, typhoons and heavy rains occur from time to time. The water management should be combined with irrigation and drainage. It is necessary to pay attention to drought-fighting and watering, and to strengthen rain-prevention and flood prevention work. In particular, after the hot summer showers in the summer, we must drain water in a timely manner so that there is no stagnant water in the fields after the rain.
(5) Pest control: Diseases often found in autumn watermelon include viral diseases, anthrax, leaf blight, and wilt disease. In the first flowering period, it is sprayed once every 8 weeks with 80% of the freshwater 800 times or 60% of the anti-mildew treasure 500 times, successively 3-4 times, alternating use, especially after the heavy rain, you must spray the fungicide once. Prevent the occurrence of various diseases. When the wilt disease is found, it should be promptly removed. When it is slight, it should be treated with 75% of the wilt and 1000 times liquid, each root should be irrigated with 250 ml, and it should be irrigated 2-3 times. The viral disease can be used 20% Virus A WP 500 times or 20% Virus A and foliar enemy 500 times mixed liquid spray; watermelon into the late growth stage, the weather turns cold, should pay attention to prevention and treatment of watermelon anthracnose, leaf blight, available 25% Charcoal 600-800 times or 80% of the big 800 times Spray control.
The main pests that harm the autumn watermelon are locusts, guaran horses, Spodoptera litura, leafminers, and crickets. The aphids can be sprayed with 10% imidacloprid 3000x spray. Enhancing the control of aphids during the early stage of growth is the key to preventing viral diseases. Therefore, the occurrence of aphids must be specifically controlled. The puffer horses and night moths can be treated with 1% avermectin 2000 times spray; leafflies and ticks can be treated with 1% sea worms for 2000 times. Note that pesticides should be banned 15 days before harvest.
6 Harvest According to the date of pollination, observe the melon color, stalk, and leaf growth characteristics, sample the cut melon and determine the maturity. When the watermelon reaches the commodity maturity requirement, it shall be timely harvested. Eight ripe watermelons should be selected for storage and listed before and after “National Day”. (Yang Xinqin, Crop Management Bureau, Zhejiang Provincial Bureau of Agriculture, Hangzhou 310020)

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