Fresh citrus preservation technology

Fresh citrus storage can not only ease the difficulties in the harvest season, low market price, perishable contradiction, but also meet people's anti-season consumer demand, and achieve the purpose of regulating the market and increasing income. Now introduce several kinds of citrus preservation technology with simple operation, easy materials, low cost and good effect. 1. The preservation of fresh trees, also known as fruit preservation, is the method of preserving the fruits on the trees for safe wintering by spraying a certain concentration of stable fruit agents on the trees when they are basically ripe. The technical points are: 1 month and 12 months before ripening, and January of the following year, the citrus fruit is used with 30 mg/L of 2.4-D plus 20 mg/L of 920 and 0.2% of potassium dihydrogen phosphate. A full-scale spray of the tree, leave the tree fresh for 2 to 4 months, the natural drop rate of only 9.6% to 26%. In December of the same year and in January and February of the following year, oranges were sprayed with fruit trees with 20 mg/L of 2.4-D solid fruit, and 2.5 kg of plant ash was applied to each tree, which allowed the tree to remain fresh until Harvested in March of the year, the stable fruit rate reached 95%, and had little effect on the output of the following year. 2. Ozone Preservation Ozone Preservation of fresh fruits has bactericidal, deodorizing, mildew-proofing and slowing fruit metabolic activity. Ozone can be obtained through an air-discharge preservative machine. The citrus was dressed in a bamboo basket, put into a normal warehouse, and stacked in a suitable way. Then it was put on a film account, and the bottom edge was sealed with fine sand. Take a hollow plastic hose, one end into the account, the other end connected with the air-discharge machine, and then start the air discharge machine to the account of ozone transfer. Generally, a large account of 10,000 kilograms of citrus is stored, and 30 grams of ozone is input into the account every 3 to 12 hours. During regular inspections during storage, it was found that the fruit was removed in time. 3. Pine needles to keep fresh pine needles, also known as pine needles, have antibacterial and insecticidal effects, delay the ripening of fruits, pine needles used for fresh citrus requires fresh dry, no branches. The 89 ripe citruses picked out are placed in a cool room for 3 to 5 days, allowing them to evaporate a small amount of water for storage. After washing, disinfecting, and drying the wooden boxes, baskets and other containers 7 days before storage, a non-toxic plastic film or kraft paper is lined. When storing, put a layer of 1~2cm thick pine needles on the bottom of the container, then put a layer of citrus neatly, put the fruit up, put a layer of pine needles, and put a layer of citrus, then install it slightly lower than the container mouth The top layer covers 2 cm thick pine needles. Place the container filled with oranges in a room at 5 to 12 degrees, and pay attention to regular inspections. In case of cold weather, increase the antifreeze of the cover. The law will allow citrus to keep fresh until March of the following year, with a good fruit rate of over 85%. 4. Preservation of plant ash The use of plant ash has the characteristics of moisture absorption, heat absorption, heat preservation, and inhibition of microbial activity. Fresh-keeping citrus is preserved for 120 to 150 days. The eight ripe oranges under picking were sweated for 3 to 5 days. 7 days before storage, rinse the containers such as baskets, boxes, jars, etc., and dry them with Bordeaux's liquid or detergent. Prepare clean and cool grass ash. Then use a non-toxic plastic film liner container and lay it layer by layer in the order of vegetation gray-citrus-plant-wood ash to the limit of 10 layers of fruit. Store it in a cool, dry indoor storage. 5. Galangal Fresh-keeping uses Chinese herbal medicine Galangal sap for fruit coating. The effect of anti-corrosion preservation is good. Every day, people can apply 1,000 kilograms of fruit. The method is: 1 kg galangal dry goods, chopped and then add 10 kg of water boiled 45 minutes, about 7 kilograms of juice, then add 1.5 kg of bleached shellac in ginger juice and 3 kg of water-soluble mixing, the liquid medicine Hot filter, 1000 kg of fruit can be coated after cooling. Put the liquid on the fruit and put it in a cool and ventilated place. After the fruit surface liquid is allowed to dry, it can be placed in a clean container, placed in a cool and ventilated room, and the temperature and humidity can be adjusted in due course. After 90 days of storage, the fruit was still plump, savory and tasteful, and retained its original sugar and vitamins. The rotting fruit rate was only 7.8%, which was 20% lower than that of the unapplied fruit. 6. Orange rot preservation "Orange rot" is a state-promoted citrus anti-corrosion preservative. The use method is: When the fruit is eight mature, choose picking when there is no dew on sunny days or cloudy days, remove diseases, insects, injuries, and bad fruits within 24 hours; spread it in a cool and dry room and sweat it for 3 days, and then use the bamboo basket to hold the fruit. Full, put it in a container containing 80 times liquid of "Orange rot" and soak it in a container for 30-50 seconds, then quickly pick up, drain the liquid, and spread it on the clean floor or bamboo mat; wait 2 to 3 days. After drying the noodle liquid, it was placed in a container filled with plastic film, such as bamboo baskets, willow baskets, and carton boxes. The damaged fruit and pedicel fruit were removed and stored indoors. Storage rooms and containers should be cleaned 7 days before the citrus storage, and sprayed with 50% thiophanate 1000 times, or fumigation with sulphur alpinia mixture. After the storage to prevent rat damage, pay attention to open and close the ventilation window and adjust the temperature and humidity, the library with a temperature of 8 ~ 15 °C, relative humidity of 80% ~ 90% is appropriate, 15 to 30 days to check the fruit, found that timely removal of rotten fruit , In case of freezing weather, cover the film. Using this method for storage for 140 days, the citrus water loss rate was 6%, and the good fruit rate was 92%. 7. Biogas preservation Put the citrus into the storage room, insert one end of the hollow plastic tube into the fruit pile, connect the other end with the biogas digester, and inject the biogas every 2-3 days. The biogas volume per 500 kg fruit will be 0.4. cubic meter. This method can effectively reduce the oxygen content of stored fruit piles, play a role in preservation and preservation, and the storage period can reach 130 days. 8. Self-made preservatives: take sodium chlorite 25%, ferrous sulfate 15%, zinc oxide 10% and charcoal 50%, mix crushed and sifted, add proper amount of water and stir evenly to make pellets with a diameter of about 5 mm, After drying, serve as preservative. Preservatives are packaged into 10-20 grams of sachets using a breathable material such as paper or cloth. The sachets are then loaded into the container or storage compartment in 3% increments. It can not only decompose ethylene, alcohol, and aldehyde gases, but also can prevent mildew and corrosion, and it has no toxic side effects on citrus.

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