Dew earth root flower breeding technology


Lily is a general name for the perennial herb of the genus Liliaceae in the family Liliaceae. It is called Lilium. Because its underground bulbs are made of many scales, Lily is one of the most important cut flower materials. In addition to cutting flowers, some lily varieties can also be used to arrange flower beds and flower borders. It can also be used as a lily garden. The main populations of commercially cultivated Lilies are the Asian Lily group, the Oriental Lily group, and Lily Lily (also called the Lilium candidum) variety group.

Bulb Storage (1) Bulbs of Asian Lily species are harvested at 2°C for about 42 days after being harvested, and then frozen at a constant temperature of -2°C. When thawing, it is first frozen at 5°C to 6°C for 4 to 5 days, and then stored at 15°C or less for 2 to 3 days. This slow thawing does not affect future development. (2) The oriental lily cultivars are first stored at a constant temperature of 2°C for about 30 days, and then stored at a constant temperature of -1.5°C. (3) After the dry peat is added to the plastic bag, the Lilium longiflorum variety group can be stored at a constant temperature of 0°C for about 250 days, and stored under nitrogen atmosphere for up to 300 days. If the long-term storage 稍 slightly °C constant temperature storage for about 75 days, and then -2 °C constant temperature storage, before leaving the library at 10 °C ~ 15 °C under the environmental conditions of thawing. (4) Storage by soil method. After the lily is harvested, a buried pit is built with bricks in a cool house or basement, and 5-7 cm thick sand is laid in the lower part of the pit. Lily bulbs arranged in the sand, the sand covered by 3 ~ 4cm, a further layer of bulbs on the sand, according to this stack, stacking height of about 1m is appropriate. Then cover 20-30cm with soil, sand, sand or straw around and on the top of the lily. Use sand to be a little dry, excessive humidity will easily lead to bulb rooting and mildew. The soil storage temperature tends to be high, and it germinates early in the spring.

Scale Propagation and Propagation The above three species of lilies can be propagated with scales. When the flower lags behind when the leaves are dry, dig mature bulbs. Do not expose the bulbs to sunlight. Avoid discoloration and loss of water in the outer scales. After a few days of dryness, peel off the scales that are rotted or dry on the surface, peel the scales one by one, and insert them obliquely into the matrix, taking care that the scales face up. The cutting depth is 2 to 3 cm, and the cutting depth is about 2/3 of the scale. The matrix may be sand, peat moss, moss, perlite, fermented sawdust or sand. Temperature control is about 25°C, and it is protected from light. This condition is most conducive to the scales to reproduce bulblets. When the local temperature is around 20°C, a bulb with a diameter of 1cm can be cultivated in about 50 days. It is also possible to store the bulbs in the greenhouse in early spring.

The use of scales with thicker outer and middle scales for cuttings yields a significantly smaller number of bulbs than the inner layer and a faster speed; the use of a knife to cut the scales is more than that produced by a handkerchief; the scales are easier to reproduce in the middle and lower sections. Small bulbs; the longer the scales, the longer the scales are. In most parts of China, the small bulbs propagated in the autumn crops naturally pass the low temperature stage after winter. Previously, it was generally believed that the bulbs that grow after the spring cuttings should be dormant for more than 80 days at 4°C to 5°C before they can start new growth. However, the authors used the bought Asian lily and Oriental lily bulbs to cut in the spring and grow long. The bulbs did not start new growth after sleeping at low temperatures. In recent years, results from anatomical studies have shown that, during the morphogenesis of bulblets, the meristems can be directly projected into spheres without the formation of callus. The bulbs grow on the periphery of the bulb of the old bulb. There are some bulbs on the periphery of the bulb of the old bulb. In the autumn, when the lily is harvested, these bulbs are separated and planted on seedbeds. Species that cannot be exposed to the ground in cold winters should be stored in indoor sand. , conditional temperature storage, cultivation in the spring. The soil in which the bulbs are cultivated should be moist, loose, fertile and well drained. After the site preparation, a ditch with a depth of about 7 cm is formed at an interval of about 25 cm. The bulbs are placed in the ditch at a distance of 6 to 7 cm. They cannot be planted or slanted, and the cover soil is about 5 cm. After 1 year of large bulbs, small bulbs can be cultivated into flowering bulbs after 2 to 3 years.

Sowing seedlings can be harvested to develop mature, normal seed growth species, seeding method can be used to cultivate the ball, which can be obtained in a short time a large number of lily ball, for bulb production and fresh cut flower cultivation. Each loquat fruit contains more than 200 seeds, the seeds are flat and winged, and the grain weight is about 3.4g. Lily species suitable for sowing and breeding include musk lily, king lily, Taiwan lily, Hubei lily, hair lily, Qingdao lily, Northeast lily, medicinal lily and so on.

Lily seeds have cotyledons unearthed and cotyledon leaves are two types, cotyledons unearthed after 10 to 30 days after sowing cotyledons unearthed, such as Lily Lily, Wang Lily, Taiwan Lily, etc., and Hubei Lily need more than 30 days to germinate. Lily cotyledons unearthed lilies sowing time is good in spring, cover the thickness of 1 ~ 2cm, some varieties can be cultivated after 6 months of flowering, Wang Lilies need 14 months to flower. The species of cotyledon leaves is suitable for autumn sowing in warm regions. Seeds form overwintering bulbs in soil. Only in the second spring, the first true leaf of the first layer of the ground grows from the bulb, and it takes 3 to 4 years to bloom. Such as Mao Lily, Qingdao Lily, Northeast Lily, Medicinal Lily and so on. If the seedlings are transplanted, they should be carried out when the cotyledons have just emerged from the surface until the cotyledons are straightened.

The optimum temperature for lily seed germination is a constant temperature of 20°C. At a constant temperature of 20°C, the seed germination rate of wild Lilium spp. was the highest at 90%. The optimum temperature for raising seedlings is 18°C~20°C.

Bulblet buds Lily bulbs can produce bulbous lily species that can be propagated with bulblets. Lily bulbs and some hybrid lilies can produce bulbous buds. The size and variety of the buds are related to the nutritional status of the mother plants. When the bulbous bud grows and matures on the stem, it is slightly purple, and it is harvested when the hands touch. In the sand soil, sowing, covered with soil slightly covered with buds, shade, keep moist, only spray water without watering, 20 to 30 days emergence. About 7 days after emergence, they can be transplanted on seedbeds and shaded, and some of the frozen varieties can keep their bed soil free of ice in the winter, and they can grow into flowering bulbs in the second year. Buds need to be removed during the seedling stage.

Stem section cutting propagation of the species can not be formed buds, can be taken from 1 to 2 of the stem section, with leaf cuttings, can also be induced Ye Yezhang buds, such as Lilium. Generally, after the plants have blossomed, the stem above the ground is cut into small pieces and buried flat in the wet sand, exposing the leaves. Temperature control is about 21°C, light is 16 to 17 hours a day, and bulblets are generated 20 to 30 days a day. Humidity cannot be too great or it will rot easily.


Dahlia is a perennial herb belonging to the genus Dahlia in the Asteraceae family. It is also known as Dahliapinnata. It is also known as Dahlia pinnata. It is also known as Dioscorea flower, Peony Peony, Dali flower, Dahlia, etc. There is also a kind of jasmine flower that is mainly propagated with seeds. It has many roots and can also be used for breeding. Dahlia flowers are large and the largest diameter is about 30cm. Variety of flowers, long flowering period, flowering from summer to frost. It is an important flower of flower beds, flower gardens and potted plants. It can also be cut flowers. It is an ideal material for flower baskets and bouquets. People use the harmonica of dahlia to take the meaning of a large number of people and make flowers for the opening ceremony. They are widely used in various festive occasions.

Roots were stored and harvested before harvesting. Plants that grew robust and had no disease and pests were selected as seedlings. Before the early frost comes back, first cut off the stem more than 10cm above the ground. Dahlia buds are located at the root neck, so the whole pier should be dug out of the roots, with some dirt to protect the neck. The excavated roots are stored for a period of time after being air-dried, and the storage place should be sterilized. When storing roots, the stacking should not be too thick to prevent premature germination and fever rot. It is usually appropriate to stack 3 to 5 layers. A layer of smooth fine sand or fine soil is placed around and above the roots for moisturizing. Dahlia starts to sleep at 1°C to 5°C and frostbite below 0°C. Temperature control 1 °C ~ 3 °C is the most appropriate, to avoid excessive temperature is the key to storage of roots.

Roots of Blocking Roots of stored roots were removed about 2 months before the spring and the roots of decayed and damaged roots were removed. Place in a warm place to germinate, generally controlled temperature 15 °C ~ 20 °C. If you store the entire pier root, that is not divided in the fall, after the buds will be separated from each root, at least one bud on the root neck of each root. Each root was then placed in a container and grown into large seedlings. The cut wounds were disinfected with plant ash, and germination was continued on the unrooted tubers, so that the roots were propagated 2 to 4 times.

Cutting propagation (1) Source of cuttings: In the early spring, adventitious buds on the neck and neck are used as cuttings, and if 2 to 3 adventitious buds grow on the roots of the divided roots, only 1 bud remains. When the rest of the shoots grow to more than 3cm, the cuttings are cut under the armpits; or if the shoots grow to 3~5cm, the shoots are removed from the roots and the cuttings are continued after the axillary buds. Axillary bud cuttings; or choose to leave a strong bud left after planting to grow, the rest of the buds removed from the base of the seedlings for cuttings; or flowers in full bloom, select the favorite species, with axillary bud cuttings, can also be cut from the lateral branches Take 10 ~ 15cm long, with more than three stem segments of the shoots for cuttings; can also be used for 15 ~ 20cm top tip for cuttings, and with diameter less than lcm buds. With the cuttings of buds, it takes only 50 to 60 days from cuttings to flowering, and the plants are about 20 cm high, which is very suitable for small pots. (2) Cutting method: Use fine sandy soil or river sand as a substrate. If cuttings can not be removed immediately after rooting, the upper layer can be used with 5cm thick sand and the lower layer can be sanded. The holes were first punched in the matrix and then the cuttings were inserted. The cutting depth was about 1/3 of the length of the cuttings. Keep bed soil moist, avoid excessive moisture causing rot or affect hair rooting. Control ground temperature around 20°C, shading, and take root around 15 days.

Dahlia is afraid of frost and must be planted after the final frost.

Big Canna

The Canna Cantabilla is a perennial bulbous plant of the Canna group, which is also known as Cannageneralis. It is also known as Cannageneralis. It is also known as Cannageneralis. The large flower canna flower has a long flowering period and blooms in the north from June to the next frost, and it blooms in South China all year round. As the leaves and flowers have high ornamental value, they are one of the most important flowers in the open field and also worthy of further promotion. Can be solitary planted, cluster planted, can also be used for large-scale natural planting. For flower beds, flowering environments, potted plants, but also cut flowers. The genus Cannaedulis has a height of 2 to 3 meters, a leaf length of about 60 cm, and a small flower. It has the characteristics of high leaf height and very strong resistance. It is a flower worthy of promotion for gardening, and the roots and stems are rich in starch and can be eaten. Leaves can be used as feed, promising for future development.

The key to the storage of rhizomes in northern flowering canna is the storage of rhizomes. It is difficult for rhododendrons to store more rhizome than araucaria rhizomes, dahlia roots, gladiolus bulbs, and tuberose bulbs. There are no suitable environmental conditions and careful management. Under normal circumstances, there are always some black rots after storage. Can not germinate, if the conditions are not suitable and poor management, it may be all black rot.

In winter, where the soil is frozen, roots and stems are dug in time before and after the next frost to dry for a period of time. This can reduce some of the root stem's moisture and facilitate storage. The root of the wound is best to wipe grass ash disinfection. It is better to store it in wet sand in a cellar or in a cool room, or put it in a container. It is more suitable to cover it with moist sand, or it can be piled up to increase the storage capacity, and it can be installed in a small amount in a mud pot. Do not water during the whole storage period in a humid environment.

If conditions permit, select strong plants in front of the frost and move the whole plant into the greenhouse or shed with large earthworms. One plant can be planted densely in one plant or planted in the pot to allow the plant to continue growing and flowering. The temperature and light in the northern winter protected areas cannot generally meet the needs of the flowering canna and continue to grow and blossom after entering the cold weather. At this time, the above ground should be divided. However, the conditions of the protected land should not be enough to allow the roots to sleep completely. In the early spring, early branch propagation, after years of experimentation, compared with dormant rhizomes, the two plants were simultaneously nursed and colonized, and rhizomes that were not fully dormant were able to flower early for 15 to 20 days, and there was also no rhizome necrosis.

Germ propagation The roots stored in the first 60 to 70 days before the final frost were germinated at 15°C to 25°C. Cover it with sand or fine sand and keep it moist. Always check that the rhizomes are cut when the buds germinate, they are cut into small pieces with 1 or 2 buds, and then cultured in containers with a diameter of 10 to 12 cm. Can also be divided first, bud eyes can be directly planted in the container seedlings without rot. In winter, in the soil-freezing areas, springs will separate the rhizomes that are present in the open field, and South China will propagate its plants in the growing season.

Big flower cannabis is afraid of frost and should be planted after the final frost.


Gladiolus is an annual perennial bulbous plant belonging to the genus Iris of the Irisaceae family. It is also known as Gladiolus Gladiolus, Gladiolus, etc., and its scientific name is Gladilushybridus. Pedicel tall and slender, flowers, flowers large and beautiful, petal thin as silk, in the narrow sword-like green leaves set off, very decorative. Long-term water culture, bloom up to 5 to 15 days, is one of the important cut flowers. Potted plants or flower beds can also be arranged.

Cultivation and storage of bulbs In order to promote the growth of bulbs and the formation of sub-balls, a suitable cultivation depth of about 5 cm is appropriate. Harvest 2 to 3 leaves when harvesting, and top dressing 1 or 2 times. In the field, diseased plants should be eliminated, especially plants with viral diseases. When 1/3 of the plant leaves yellow, timely harvesting cannot be delayed, otherwise the ball around the big ball easily falls off. After the harvest, spread out first, remove the dead leaves after drying it slightly, separate the ball from the big ball, and then store in grades. When the big ball is stored, it is best to arrange neatly so as to prevent buds from sprouting when they sprout; the balls are spread out and stored in a cool, dry and ventilated place. After 2 to 3 months of conditional storage, it can be stored in a dry cold storage at 2°C for long-term storage, which can prevent nutrient consumption and inhibit bulbar rooting and germination. It can be taken out before cultivation.

The cultivation of the sub-balls has many sub-balls of the gladiolus, and one cue ball can produce 10 to 30, more than a hundred. The resulting sub-balls were cultivated separately in the second year, with an average spacing of about 8 cm and a cover of about 5 cm. If necessary, the ball is sterilized with a bactericide, and then germination is performed for 5 to 6 days in an environment at 20°C to 25°C, and about 60% germinate. A small number of sub-balls will draw out the flowering spikes and immediately cut off the flowering spikes to allow the bulbs to expand. Harvest in the fall, choose the big ball for the ball and plant the flowers for the next year. If it grows longer and grows in summer and cool, it will be harvested from November to December.

The seedlings of protective ground ball seedlings are bred in the protective ground in a container with a diameter of 6cm in the early spring, and the temperature is controlled between 20° C. and 25° C., and the ground temperature is 18° C. to 25° C., which promotes their early development, and generally can be flowered in the year.


Tuberose is Amaranthaceae tuberose bulbous perennial herb, alias night tuberose, moonlight incense, night Huaixiang, Moonlight incense, etc., scientific name Polianthestuberosa. Because of the whiteness of the flowers, the strong aroma came out in the night. The racemes are terminal, with 12 to 32 flowers on each inflorescence, elegant and generous, floral and luxuriant. Tuberose can be cultivated in open field, but also potted, mainly for cut flowers, suitable for water conservation. Flowers can extract aromatic oils and are high-grade cosmetic spices.

The bulbs are harvested and stored in the field prior to harvesting. The plants are grown vigorously, flowering well, and free from pests and diseases. The plants are ready for breeding and are marked separately from the production seeds. Bulbs are usually excavated before frost, but others think it is better after a frost. Do not water until 15 to 20 days before excavation. Only about 5 cm of leaves above the bulbs remain when harvesting, and the rest are cut. After a few days of drying, remove the soil and fibrous roots, and remove the bottom part of the sensation to reveal the white color; or leave a few leaves, braided like garlic, and hang to store. Conditionally began to control the temperature at 25 °C, when the skin wrinkles, cooling to 15 °C ~ 20 °C, and finally stored in 5 °C ~ 15 °C place. If not treated at 25°C after harvesting, it should be moved to a greenhouse at 25°C before spring planting. The key to storage is dry and free from cold, so that it will not be rotten. If the bulbs are frozen on top of their buds, they will not bloom.

The ball breeding tuberose can have 10 to 25 sub-balls of different sizes around a cue ball. After harvest, it is not separated from the cue ball and stored together. In spring, the ball is to be separated from the parent ball by the hand and must be cut before cultivation without removing the fibrous root before storage. The sub-balls were soaked in water for 1 day to allow the dried bulbs to absorb water as quickly as possible. According to the spacing of 15 ~ 20cm, planting distance of 5 ~ 10cm. Old bulbs that have been flowered in the first year can't flower but can use it to propagate bulblets. Tuberose has the characteristics of “deep bulb and light flowering” when planting. Therefore, the small bulbs are covered with soil 3~4cm deeper than the big flowering bulbs, which can promote bulb enlargement and reduce the sprouting of lateral bulbs. . When planting, if the soil is very wet or the groundwater level is high, watering is not necessary.

From planting to emergence usually takes 20 to 30 days, so planting can not be late, watering at the seedling stage should not be too much to promote root growth. Fertilization should be light. It can flower for 1 to 2 years.

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