Artificial feeding Tenebrio

Tenebrio molitor, also known as breadworm (named after foreign as a bread additive), is a Coleoptera, pseudo-walking beetle, pink armored insect. Its protein content ranks first in all types of living animal protein. Tenebrio molitor is rich in various nutrients essential to the human body and is the 21st century human full-nutrition food. Tenebrio can be used to extract high-quality edible oils, supplements for health supplements, etc. It is also a high-quality raw material for producing chitin and fresh feed for livestock and poultry. Its excrement is also a good organic fertilizer. Tenebrio in China will become the third largest insect industry after silkworm and bee breeding. Tenebrio has the characteristics of fast growth, high propagation coefficient, wheat bran, crop straw meal and discarded vegetables as main foods. It is easy to breed, low in cost and high in efficiency, and opens up a new way for agricultural industrialization. The technology of potted yellow mealworms is introduced as follows: Potted yellow mealworms are suitable for the cultivation of 10 kilograms per month, and they do not need full-time staff to feed them. They can use their spare time. The breeding equipment is simple and economical, such as the old washbasin, plastic basin, tin box, wooden box, etc. As long as the container is intact, there is no leakage, and the inner wall is smooth, the bug cannot escape and climb out. If the inner wall of the box is not smooth, stick a tape around it to form a smooth belt to prevent the insects from fleeing. In addition, one of the 40 mesh and 60 mesh sieves is required. After the insect species are obtained, they are carefully screened to select individual individuals who are large, neat, strong in life, and bright in color. Feeding capacity is 0.3-0.6 kg for larvae, a common basin size container. Put the feed in the pot, such as wheat bran, corn flour, etc. At the same time into the larvae, the feed is about 10-20% of the weight of the insects, and after 3-5 days of eating the feed, the insect feces will be used 60 The purpose sieve is sieved out. Continue feeding the feed. Appropriate to feed some vegetables and melon skins and other water-containing feed. When the larvae are larvae, they should be picked out and stored separately. After 8-15 days, the eclosion becomes adult. Spread a newspaper on the bottom of the pot or box, then lay a fine feed about 1 cm thick on the paper and put the feathered adult on the feed. At 25 degrees, the adult eclosion begins to mating for about 6 days. Tenebrio are social insects, mating and spawning must have a population density of 1500-3000 animals per square meter. The adult oviposition period is fed with better concentrate feed, in addition to mixed feed plus multivitamin, plus an appropriate amount of aqueous feed, such as leaves and melons. When the adult lays eggs, the ovipositor is extended below the feed and the eggs are laid on the paper. After 3-5 days egg paper is full of eggs, and new egg paper should be replaced. The egg papers taken out were collected and placed in a pot on the same date until they hatched. The temperature can be hatched within 6-9 days at 24-34 degrees. The newly hatched larvae are very soft, so try not to touch them with your hands so as not to injure them. The newly hatched larvae are placed together and raised. After 15-20 days of larvae, the feed in the bowl is almost finished and the insect excrement can be screened for the first time. Sieves and feces use a 60-mesh screen, and once every 3 to 5 days, insults and insects are sifted, and feeds are fed once. The amount of feed that can be fed by larvae is subject to 3-5 days. The time for feeding the leaves or melon peels should be the day before the worm's excrement, the amount of which can be eaten by the larvae for one night, or the worms should be screened out before the leaves of the cabbage leaf melons. . The next day, as soon as possible, the uneaten leaves and melons were picked. Especially during the summer, the humidity in the basin should be prevented so as not to cause moldy feed and larvae to die.

Starch Noodle Machine

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