Apple autumn tree base can store tree nutrients

Pay attention to the time of fertilization apple tree autumn basal fertilizer generally in the late-maturing varieties before and after fruit picking, should not be late as soon as possible to mid-September is appropriate. At this time, the temperature is high, the rainfall is heavy, the base fertilizer has sufficient time to decompose, the function of the leaf has not yet declined, and the photosynthetic function is strong. The nutrients return to the roots, and the roots of the fruit tree grow at a very high value. The roots of the fruit tree are easily healed and can produce a large number of The roots and roots of the roots are beneficial to increase the nutrient level of the tree. Note that the best area for fertilization is due to the absorption roots of the fruit trees mostly at the end of the main lateral root. The fertilization area is generally selected at the projection edge of the crown of the fruit tree and a little farther, and the fertilization of the whole garden should also be one meter away from the trunk. In terms of depth, root strips in the range of 10 to 35 centimeters from the surface occupies about 80% of the total root volume, and the fertilization depth is preferably about 50 cm. Note that fertilization method, whether it is an annular groove, a radial groove or a striped groove, or a whole garden, cannot make the fertilizer into a mass, and the organic fertilizer, chemical fertilizer, etc. should be thoroughly mixed with the rhizosphere soil. Evenly, the fertilizer is dispersed and breathable, and nutrients absorbed by the tree are slowly released to increase the utilization of nutrients. Otherwise, the local soil concentration is too high, which can easily cause root burning. Pay attention to the protection of the root system to pay attention to the protection of the root system, especially to protect the fine roots grown on the lateral roots at all levels. After the large roots exposed by the trenches are turned over, they should be fully stretched and buried in loose soil, followed by burial, and to prevent long-term wind and sun drying. At the same time, it is necessary to use pruning and pruning to cut roots so that they can heal and heal roots. Pay attention to organic fertilizer application including ring fertilizer, compost, manure, chicken manure, human waste, grass fertilizer, green manure, crop straw, weeds, foliage, etc. It not only contains many nutrients needed for fruit trees, but also can satisfy the tree body. The growth needs. Continuous application of organic fertilizer can effectively improve the soil. The organic matter content of high-quality, high-yield orchards should reach 2% to 3%, and generally 1.5 to 2 kilograms of organic fertilizer should be applied per kilogram of apples. Note that organic manure must be decomposed by decomposition of organic manure before it can be absorbed and utilized by fruit trees. Some places do not pay attention to the decomposing treatment of organic fertilizer and apply it directly to the soil, ignoring the phenomenon that organic fertilizer will generate a lot of heat and burn roots during the fermentation process. The correct method is: mix the manure, grass, straw, etc., add the appropriate amount of water, use a thin mud to seal the heap, and then treat it at high temperature. After the fertilizer is fully cooked, the nutrients are initially decomposed and then used. Pay attention to a reasonable proportion of fruit trees in the demand for various elements, and the soil contains a certain proportion of nutrient elements, therefore, according to the needs of fruit trees, according to the management level of the orchard, land conditions, fertilizer requirements and other appropriate selection of fertilization formula. Younger fruit trees require more phosphorus, which is generally 2 times that of nitrogen and potassium. Therefore, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium can be prepared according to 1:2:1. After entering the full fruit period, fruit trees need more nitrogen and potassium, and nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium can be prepared in a 2:1:2 ratio. Pay attention to appropriate application of micro-fertilizer. When the demand for micro-fertilizer is insufficient, fruit trees are susceptible to deficiency of nutrients, iron deficiency can cause yellowing disease, and zinc deficiency can cause lobular disease. Commonly used micronutrients include ferrous sulfate, zinc sulfate and borax. However, it should be noted that the direct application of ferrous sulfate directly into the soil will quickly convert into insoluble compounds, so it is better to apply it simultaneously with organic fertilizers. Borax is best mixed with organic fertilizer, nitrogen fertilizer, and phosphate fertilizer. Note that the acid and alkaline fertilizers for fertilizers are divided into acidic fertilizers and alkaline fertilizers. If a single fertilizer is used for a long time, the pH of the soil is easily changed. At the same time, it should be noted that acidic fertilizers and alkaline fertilizers cannot be applied at the same time. It is not appropriate to mix a large amount of plant ash with human waste. Acidic fertilizers should be applied in alkaline soils, such as ammonium sulfate, superphosphate, ammonium chloride, potassium chloride, potassium sulfate, etc.; alkaline fertilizers should be applied in acidic soils, such as grass ash, lime nitrogen, calcium magnesium phosphate, Steel slag phosphate and sodium nitrate. The correct use of acid-alkaline fertilizer can increase the utilization of fertilizers, and gradually improve the soil, which is conducive to the robust growth of fruit tree roots.